

Be merry, be merry. FALSTAFF I did not think Master Silence had been a man of this mettle. SILENCE Who, I? I have been merry twice and once ere now.

Re-enter DAVY DAVY There's a dish of leather-coats for you.

To BARDOLPH SHALLOW Davy! DAVY Your worship! I'll be with you straight.


A cup of wine, sir? SILENCE A cup of wine that's brisk and fine, Singing And drink unto the leman mine;And a merry heart lives long-a. FALSTAFF Well said, Master Silence. SILENCE An we shall be merry, now comes in the sweet o' the night. FALSTAFF Health and long life to you, Master Silence. SILENCE Fill the cup, and let it come;Singing I'll pledge you a mile to the bottom. SHALLOW Honest Bardolph, welcome: if thou wantest any thing, and wilt not call, beshrew thy heart.

Welcome, my little tiny thief.

To the Page And welcome indeed too. I'll drink to Master Bardolph, and to all the cavaleros about London. DAVY I hove to see London once ere I die. BARDOLPH An I might see you there, Davy,-- SHALLOW By the mass, you'll crack a quart together, ha!

Will you not, Master Bardolph? BARDOLPH Yea, sir, in a pottle-pot. SHALLOW By God's liggens, I thank thee: the knave will stick by thee, I can assure thee that. A' will not out; he is true bred. BARDOLPH And I'll stick by him, sir. SHALLOW Why, there spoke a king. Lack nothing:

be merry.

Knocking within Look who's at door there, ho! who knocks?

Exit DAVY FALSTAFF Why, now you have done me right.

To SILENCE, seeing him take off a bumper SILENCE [Singing]

Do me right, And dub me knight: Samingo.

Is't not so? FALSTAFF 'Tis so. SILENCE Is't so? Why then, say an old man can do somewhat.

Re-enter DAVY DAVY An't please your worship, there's one Pistol come from the court with news. FALSTAFF From the court! let him come in.


How now, Pistol! PISTOL Sir John, God save you! FALSTAFF What wind blew you hither, Pistol? PISTOL Not the ill wind which blows no man to good. Sweet knight, thou art now one of the greatest men in this realm. SILENCE By'r lady, I think a' be, but goodman Puff of Barson. PISTOL Puff!

Puff in thy teeth, most recreant coward base!

Sir John, I am thy Pistol and thy friend, And helter-skelter have I rode to thee, And tidings do I bring and lucky joys And golden times and happy news of price. FALSTAFF I pray thee now, deliver them like a man of this world. PISTOL A foutre for the world and worldlings base!

I speak of Africa and golden joys. FALSTAFF O base Assyrian knight, what is thy news?

Let King Cophetua know the truth thereof. SILENCE And Robin Hood, Scarlet, and John.

Singing PISTOL Shall dunghill curs confront the Helicons?

And shall good news be baffled?

Then, Pistol, lay thy head in Furies' lap. SILENCE Honest gentleman, I know not your breeding. PISTOL Why then, lament therefore. SHALLOW Give me pardon, sir: if, sir, you come with news from the court, I take it there's but two ways, either to utter them, or to conceal them. I am, sir, under the king, in some authority. PISTOL Under which king, Besonian? speak, or die. SHALLOW Under King Harry. PISTOL Harry the Fourth? or Fifth? SHALLOW Harry the Fourth. PISTOL A foutre for thine office!

Sir John, thy tender lambkin now is king;Harry the Fifth's the man. I speak the truth:

When Pistol lies, do this; and fig me, like The bragging Spaniard. FALSTAFF What, is the old king dead? PISTOL As nail in door: the things I speak are just. FALSTAFF Away, Bardolph! saddle my horse. Master Robert Shallow, choose what office thou wilt in the land, 'tis thine. Pistol, I will double-charge thee with dignities. BARDOLPH O joyful day!

I would not take a knighthood for my fortune. PISTOL What! I do bring good news. FALSTAFF Carry Master Silence to bed. Master Shallow, my Lord Shallow,--be what thou wilt; I am fortune's steward--get on thy boots: we'll ride all night.

O sweet Pistol! Away, Bardolph!


Come, Pistol, utter more to me; and withal devise something to do thyself good. Boot, boot, Master Shallow: I know the young king is sick for me.

Let us take any man's horses; the laws of England are at my commandment. Blessed are they that have been my friends; and woe to my lord chief-justice! PISTOL Let vultures vile seize on his lungs also!

'Where is the life that late I led?' say they:

Why, here it is; welcome these pleasant days!

Exeunt SCENE IV. London. A street. Enter Beadles, dragging in HOSTESS QUICKLY and DOLL TEARSHEET MISTRESS QUICKLY No, thou arrant knave; I would to God that I might die, that I might have thee hanged: thou hast drawn my shoulder out of joint. First Beadle The constables have delivered her over to me; and she shall have whipping-cheer enough, I warrant her: there hath been a man or two lately killed about her. DOLL TEARSHEET Nut-hook, nut-hook, you lie. Come on; I'll tell thee what, thou damned tripe-visaged rascal, an the child I now go with do miscarry, thou wert better thou hadst struck thy mother, thou paper-faced villain. MISTRESS QUICKLY O the Lord, that Sir John were come! he would make this a bloody day to somebody. But I pray God the fruit of her womb miscarry! First Beadle If it do, you shall have a dozen of cushions again;you have but eleven now. Come, I charge you both go with me; for the man is dead that you and Pistol beat amongst you. DOLL TEARSHEET I'll tell you what, you thin man in a censer, Iwill have you as soundly swinged for this,--you blue-bottle rogue, you filthy famished correctioner, if you be not swinged, I'll forswear half-kirtles. First Beadle Come, come, you she knight-errant, come. MISTRESS QUICKLY O God, that right should thus overcome might!

Well, of sufferance comes ease. DOLL TEARSHEET Come, you rogue, come; bring me to a justice. MISTRESS QUICKLY Ay, come, you starved blood-hound. DOLL TEARSHEET Goodman death, goodman bones! MISTRESS QUICKLY Thou atomy, thou! DOLL TEARSHEET Come, you thin thing; come you rascal. First Beadle Very well.

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  • 爆宠萝莉妃:神尊,洗洗睡吧


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  • 执行到位就是竞争力(MBook随身读)


    执行,体现在职场上,就是把领导的决策、上级吩咐的任 务付诸实践的过程。到位,就是恰到好处,目标得以实现,并且刚好是上级的意思。执行必须到位,已经成为世界500强企业公认的理念。作为员工,要想脱颖而出、获得老板的青睐,就必须执行到位;作为企业,要想基业常青、永续经营,也必须执行到位。在当今时代,执行到位已然成为个人和企业具有强大竞争力的必要条件。一个优秀的员工和成功的企业都坚信:好的策略只有在成功执行后才能显现其价值!《执行到位就是竞争力》是政府机关公务员,企事业单位员工必读书籍之一。
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