

"Listen here," he resumed, planking his hands down on the table and leaning forward, "I'm ready and anxious to quit this spying business. It was only a side line with me anyway. My main object in coming to this country was to recover possession of that diamond star. Once I've got it back, I'm through with England...""But not with the army," Desmond broke in, "thank God, we've got a swift way with traitors in this country!""Quite so," returned the other, "but you see, my friend, the army hasn't got me. And I have got you! But let us drop talking platitudes," he went on. "I'm no great hand at driving a bargain, Desmond--few army men are, you know--so I won't even attempt to chaffer with you. I shall tell you straight out what I am ready to offer. You were given the job of breaking up this organization, weren't you?"Desmond was silent. He was beginning to wonder what Strangwise was driving at.

"Oh, you needn't trouble to deny it. I never spotted you, Iadmit, even when the real Bellward turned up: that idea of putting your name in the casualty list as 'killed' was a masterstroke; for I never looked to find you alive and trying to put it across me. But to return to what I was saying--your job was to smash my little system, and if you pull it off, it's a feather in your cap. Well, you've killed two of my people and you've arrested the ringleader.""Meaning Behrend?" asked Desmond.

"Behrend be hanged! I mean Nur-el-Din!"

"Nur-el-Din was not the ringleader," said Desmond, "as well you know, Strangwise!""Your employers evidently don't share your views, Desmond," he replied, "all the documents were found on Nur-el-Din!""Bah!" retorted Desmond, "and what of it? Mightn't they have been planted on her in order to get her arrested to draw the suspicion away from the real criminal, yourself?"Strangwise laughed a low, mellow laugh.

"You're devilish hard to convince," he remarked. "Perhaps you'll change your mind about it when I tell you that Nur-el-Din was sentenced to death by a general court-martial yesterday afternoon."The blow struck Desmond straight between the eyes. The execution of spies followed hard on their conviction, he knew. Was he too late?

"Has... has she... has the sentence already been carried out?" he asked hoarsely.

Strangwise shrugged his shoulders.

"My information didn't go as far as that!" he replied. "But Iexpect so. They don't waste much time over these matters, old man! You see, then," he continued, "you've got the ringleader, and you shall have the other two members of the organization and save your own life into the bargain if you will be reasonable and treat with me."Desmond looked straight at him; and Strangwise averted his eyes.

"Let me get this right," said Desmond slowly. "You let me go free--of course, I take it that my liberty includes the release of Miss Mackwayte as well--and in addition, you hand over to me your two accomplices, Bellward and the Malplaquet woman. That is your offer, isn't it? Well, what do you want from me in exchange?""The Star of Poland!" said Strangwise in a low voice.

"But," Desmond began. He was going to add "I haven't got it," but checked himself in time. Why should he show his hand?

Strangwise broke in excitedly.

"Man," he cried, "it was grandly done. When first I discovered the gem, I opened the package in which the silver box was wrapped and took the jewel from its case to make sure that it was there.

Then I sealed it up again, silver box and all, with the firm intention that no other hand should break the seals but the hand of His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince when I reported to him that I had fulfilled my mission. So you will understand that Iwas loth to open it to satisfy those blockheads that evening at the Mill House.

  • The Major

    The Major

  • 科举论


  • 新本郑氏周易


  • A Century of Roundels

    A Century of Roundels

  • 菩萨戒本疏


  • 太虚掌门


  • 百元新娘火辣辣


  • 茅山道侣


  • 人皮拼图


  • 重山烟雨诺


  • 束手就情:追捕出逃妻


  • 互联网版图:掘金时代


  • 网游之逐梦


  • 绝对普通人的进击


  • 灵异社探灵笔录

