

"To be,or not to be: that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them? ..."

(And then to paraphrase):

...But then the dread of what may happen ...

Makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of....

How easy it is,when we are beset with ills of one kind and another,to picture greater ills ...and to decide to put up with the ills we have,rather than attempt to rise above them—and thus,we fear,encounter "other ills we know not of"!

Decision is born of courage and courage springs from faith in self and in the God Power within.Why go on picturing a continuation of the problems and conditions which may be surrounding you now?

Decide to do away with them by resolutely changing the pictures,thus giving "that something" within the power to change your future—for the better!


What your eyes see and your ears hear,if seen and heard often enough,you remember ...and make a part of your life.

Scientists and advertisers both recognize this fact in their use of "visual aids" and recordings to impress the minds of different groups of people.

Some people are influenced more by what they see,others by what they hear.It depends upon which sense they have developed the habit,in childhood,of utilizing most.

You may be on a car trip with someone and keep on noticing things,in passing,which the other person does not see.He or she is not trained in observation,as you are,but might say to you,"Did you hear that?" And you may reply,"No—what?" There are varying degrees of sensitivity in sight and hearing.

"I was criticized so much when I was a child that I didn't want to hear what was said about me,so I don't hear now as well as I should," a man said to me.

"When I was a little girl," a woman related,"I saw something I shouldn't have seen.This shocked me so that ever since I have been afraid to use my eyes any more than I need to see what I have to see.I find that I am not paying attention to many things taking place around me because I inwardly feel it's none of my business and that I shouldn't be noticing them."

Inhibitions are one of the great self-inflicted plagues of the human race but we all have our share,in one form or another.It is almost impossible not to have taken on some,during the growing-up process.

As adults,however,we should have the intelligence to recognize and to eliminate as many of these emotional tie-ups as possible,so we can be freed of their destructive influence over us.

Picturing the things you want to have and do in life is therefore a good method of crystallizing and pin- pointing your desires so that your mind can better focus its attention upon them.And the more you can keep the picture or pictures before you,the more impressed the power within will be to help you materialize them.

For this reason,I recommend,as an aid in the visualization of the things you want,in order to keep them uppermost in your thoughts,that you write a word picture of them on small cards,so you can have them where you can look at them as frequently as possible.

As a suggestion,stick one card above the mirror to be looked at in the morning when you shave,or fix your hair.Permit the details of your wishes,outlined on the card,to increase as you continue to develop the mental pictures.

Have another card convenient to look at while you eat your lunch—your dinner.Use the cards again just before you go to sleep.Keep it up.Tap,tap,tap! However,there is no point to writing down your wishes until you have determined that every single detail of what you want is to be photographed permanently in your thoughts—to stay there until it becomes a reality.

If what you are picturing for yourself is of a personal nature,and there are people about who would not be in sympathy with your desires,or who would regard this practice as foolish,then keep your cards to yourself,and study them only when you have a spare moment and an opportunity for privacy.

Remember that repetition of the same thought,the same suggestion,makes the picture possible.

He who knows how to plant,shall not have his plant uprooted; He who knows how to hold a thing,shall not have it taken away.

Lao Tzu,the Chinese Mystic,600 B.C.

Plant your picture in mind!

Write it down!

If you have the desire,the foundation is laid.Plan the picture in mind! A perfectly detailed picture of the exact thing,or things,you wish.It won't hurt to picture more than one objective at a time,as long as they are not in conflict,and as long as you can picture them separately,The creative power within can work on as many projects as you desire and to which you can give your attention and your efforts!

Write it down!

If it is increased sales you want,fix the exact amounts; if it's something you want the other fellow to do for you,the love of a woman or that of a man,a new suit of clothes or a new automobile,write it down.Anything and every—thing—write it down.

Express in your own words what you want.It will help your mind to get organized on it.No matter what you are after under this system,you can have it—provided the object of desire is morally right,and the picture definite and positive!

Tap-tap-tap-tap! Write it down,again and again,if you find this helps you fix your goal in mind.

It matters not whether you be a salesman,an executive,a mechanic,a writer,a housewife or what—whether you are after money,love,improvement in social position,in the legal profession or medical profession—it makes absolutely no difference.You have that same power in you,ready to bring you what you want.You can acquire every single thing you desire ...a pair of shoes or a mansion.You name it,write it down,and go to work on it!

Opportunities are constantly flowing past you in the stream of life unless you reach out and grab them! If you don't know what you're looking for,how can you get it?

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