

You know yourself better than any other person knows you.You know what you can and cannot do,within certain limitations.You know,for instance,if you are just out of college,that you still have to balance your education with experience,that you can't start out at the head of a business or industry.You know that you can't succeed on the strength of your diploma alone.I hope you know this much! But I have talked to hundreds of college men and women who have failed in business,who have not made a success of their lives,who have gone out into the world with the feeling that the world now owed them a living…that their education qualified them for anything they wanted.They operated this power,with the aid of a pleasing personality,to get into responsible positions; they went along swimmingly for a while,until their lack of experience began to catch up with them.Then they began to feel the pressure,they became less sure of themselves,they saw other men and women,with less education but more experience,climbing ahead of them.They couldn't take it,they grew jealous,resentful and finally apprehensive.What was wrong? They had everything—and yet it didn't seem to count for much in the world of reality—in the battle of life! Perhaps education itself must share part of the blame....Perhaps youth has been taught to expect too much at the start.

Know yourself.Know what you want—be honest—what you feel you can handle.Picture yourself working to earn the right to possess what you are desirous of attaining.Don't wish upon yourself more than you are capable of doing at any time.You will grow naturally into finer and bigger opportunities,and the power within will supply you with everything you need,in addition to your own efforts,to get where you want to go,each step up the ladder of success and happiness.

Never use the power for selfish purpose!

It is a temptation to many people,coming into an awareness of this power for the first time,to attempt to use it for selfish purposes.The power will respond to your bidding,to whatever mental pictures you give it,whether your intentions are good or bad.You can picture taking advantage of some individual,and if you work toward that end,and if that person is too trusting and not alert to your designs,you may be able to put it over on him.But in the doing,you have created susceptibility—a vibration—in your own consciousness which may attract to you that very same happening!

By such wrong manipulation of mind,you can,therefore,catch yourself in your own trap.What you plan to do to others you are really plotting to do to yourself,without realizing it,because "your own always comes back to you."

Are you willing to earn what you desire in life by your own efforts? What you gain,without effort,without deserving,you usually lose just as quickly.This is because the magnetic force which has attracted it is not sustained; little or no power has been built up around anything,which has come to you in an unmerited manner(through wrong operation of mind),and consequently someone else,with wrong use of power,can take it away from you.

Like,remember,always attracts like.If you don't want someone to do something to you,don't do it first to him! This is a paraphrase of an old admonition but a word to the unwise should be the beginning of wisdom! You can 't get away with anything in mind,eventually.The law of compensation will see to that.

UP to now,only a small percentage of human beings,at any one time,have ever rightly used this T N T. But every time they have,it has brought them great personal happiness,achievement,health,prosperity—and even fame! The degree of happiness,achievement,health,prosperity and fame they have realized has been in proportion to the degree of use they have made of this power.This will always be so! Turn on a water faucet half-way,you will only get half the flow of water.Let only part of the power flow through you,and you diminish the returns it can bring to you.

Leaders who light the fuse of TNT by inflaming the hatreds and resentments and suspicions of great masses of people can wreak untold damage.Witness the Genghis Khans,Napoleons,Kaiser Wilhelms and Hitlers of history! There are always millions ready to be led for one who is willing and ready to lead ...and to lead in the right direction! Mankind,as you know,has a tragic record of crucifying its Saviors.

The time for the right use of mind power is at hand

But the time is at hand for man to recognize and accept,irrespective of his religious or philosophic beliefs,his race or color,the spiritual power within him—"that something" which each man possesses and which,rightly directed,can bring to all men the peace and happiness and plenty and universal brotherhood man has so long been seeking.

It's here—right inside you—a part of you—in your pocket; as it was in my pocket years ago,when I didn't realize,hadn't awakened to what I had; to what had always been mine ...to what has always been in the world,available to all men in all ages; the treasure beyond all other treasures,the Holy Grail,the wisdom,the intelligence,the answer to all problems; but the curse of all curses,the most fiendish of all forces,if exploded in the wrong way by man's wrong thinking.

It's yours to use or to misuse.Now that you have it and know how to operate it—what are you going to do with it?

How you decide to use it,at any time,will change your world ...and may change the whole world.

Danger: high explosive! Proceed with wisdom and with caution.

"If you believe it—it is so!" But what do you believe?

What you believe,and what the people of this world believe—will make the world of tomorrow! And the T N T of these beliefs will rock the earth!


There are two things to aim at in life; first,to get what you want; and,after that,to enjoy it.Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.


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