

They are penniless but resolute in their demands.They expect to see all the land divided out equally between them and their old masters in time to make the next crop.One of the most intelligent black men I know told me that in a neighboring village, where several hundred blacks were congregated, he does not think that as many as three made contracts, although planters are urgent in their solicitations and offering highest prices for labor they can possibly afford to pay.The same man informed me that the impression widely prevails that Congress is about to divide out the lands, and that this impression is given out by Federal soldiers at the nearest military station.It cannot be disguised that in spite of the most earnest efforts of their old master to conciliate and satisfy them, the estrangement between races increases in its extent and bitterness.Nearly all the Negro men are armed with repeaters, and many of them carry them openly, day and night."The relations between the races were better, however, than conditions seemed to indicate.The whites of the Black Belt were better disposed toward the Negroes than were those of the white districts.It was in the towns and villages that most of the race conflicts occurred.All whites agreed that the Negro was inferior, but there were many who were grateful for his conduct during the war and who wished him well.But others, the policemen of the towns, the "loyalists," those who had little but pride of race and the vote to distinguish them from the blacks, felt no good will toward the ex-slaves.It was Truman's opinion "not only that the planters are far better friends to the Negroes than the poor whites, but also better than a majority of the Northern men who go South to rent plantations." John T.Trowbridge, the novelist, who recorded his impressions of the South after a visit in 1865, was of the opinion that the Unionists "do not like niggers." "For there is," he said, "more prejudice against color among the middle and poorer classes--the Union men of the South who owned few or no slaves--than among the planters who owned them by scores and hundreds." The reports of the Freedmen's Bureau are to the same effect.A Bureau agent in Tennessee testified: "An old citizen, a Union man, said to me, said he, 'I tell you what, if you take away the military from Tennessee, the buzzards can't eat up the niggers as fast as we'll kill them.'"The lawlessness of the Negroes in parts of the Black Belt and the disturbing influences of the black troops, of some officials of the Bureau, and of some of the missionary teachers and preachers, caused the whites to fear insurrections and to take measures for protection.Secret semi-military organizations were formed which later developed into the Ku Klux orders.When, however, New Year's Day 1866 passed without the hoped-for distribution of Property, the Negroes began to settle down.

At the beginning of the period of reconstruction, it seemed possible that the Negro race might speedily fall into distinct economic groups, for there were some who had property and many others who had the ability and the opportunity to acquire it; but the later drawing of race lines and the political disturbances of reconstruction checked this tendency.It was expected also that the Northern planters who came South in large numbers in 1865-66 might, by controlling the Negro labor and by the use of more efficient methods, aid in the economic upbuilding of the country.But they were ignorant of agricultural matters and incapable of wisely controlling the blacks; and they failed because at one time they placed too much trust in the Negroes and at another treated them too harshly and expected too much of them.

  • 特战之神


  • 水沁黛心之黛玉当家


  • 傲视千古


  • 战锤之混沌的复兴


  • tfboys千年恋


  • 篓

  • 许我一世迷离


  • 叙事:中国版 第二辑

    叙事:中国版 第二辑

  • 殇天传


  • 大圣翻天

