

and fancied that his anger was real; she trembled a little, and drew nearer to the kind lady who had beckoned her as to a refuge.Lord Cumnor was very fond of getting hold of what he fancied was a joke, and working his idea threadbare; so all the time the ladies were in the room he kept on his running fire at Molly, alluding to the Sleeping Beauty, the Seven Sleepers, and any other famous sleeper that came into his head.He had no idea of the misery his jokes were to the sensitive girl, who already thought herself a miserable sinner, for having slept on, when she ought to have been awake.

If Molly had been in the habit of putting two and two together, she might have found an excuse for herself, by remembering that Mrs Kirkpatrick had promised faithfully to awaken her in time; but all the girl thought of was, how little they wanted her in this grand house; how she must seem like a careless intruder who had no business there.Once or twice she wondered where her father was, and whether he was missing her; but the thought of the familiar happiness of home brought such a choking in her throat, that she felt she must not give way to it, for fear of bursting out crying;and she had instinct enough to feel that, as she was left at the Towers, the less trouble she gave, the more she kept herself out of observation, the better.She followed the ladies out of the dining-room, almost hoping that no one would see her.But that was impossible, and she immediately became the subject of conversation between the awful Lady Cumnor and her kind neighbour at dinner.'Do you know, I thought this young lady was French when I first saw her?

she has got the black hair and eyelashes, and grey eyes, and colourless complexion which one meets with in some parts of France, and I knew Lady Cuxhaven was trying to find a well-educated girl who would be a pleasant companion to her children.' 'No!' said Lady Cumnor, looking very stern, as Molly thought.'She is the daughter of our medical man at Hollingford; she came with the school visitors this morning, and she was overcome by the heat and fell asleep in Clare's room, and somehow managed to oversleep herself, and did not waken up till all the carriages were gone.We will send her home to-morrow morning, but for to-night she must stay here, and Clare is kind enough to say she may sleep with her.' There was an implied blame running through this speech, that Molly felt like needle-points all over her.Lady Cuxhaven came up at this moment.

Her tone was as deep, her manner of speaking as abrupt and authoritative, as her mother's, but Molly felt the kinder nature underneath.'How are you now, my dear? You look better than you did under the cedar-tree.

So you're to stop here to-night? Clare, don't you think we could find some of those books of engravings that would interest Miss Gibson.' Mrs Kirkpatrick came gliding up to the place where Molly stood; and began petting her with pretty words and actions, while Lady Cuxhaven turned over heavy volumes in search of one that might interest the girl.'Poor darling! I saw you come into the dining-room, looking so shy; and I wanted you to come near me, but I could not make a sign to you, because Lord Cuxhaven was speaking to me at the time, telling me about his travels.

Ah, here is a nice book - Lodge's Portraits ; now I'll sit by you and tell you who they all are, and all about them.Don't trouble yourself any more, dear Lady Cuxhaven; I'll take charge of her; pray leave her to me!' Molly grew hotter and hotter as these last words met her car.If they would only leave her alone, and not labour at being kind to her; would 'not trouble themselves' about her! These words of Mrs Kirkpatrick's seemed to quench the gratitude she was feeling to Lady Cuxhaven for looking for something to amuse her.But, of course, it was a trouble, and she ought never to have been there.By-and-by, Mrs Kirkpatrick was called away to accompany Lady Agnes' song;and then Molly really had a few minutes' enjoyment.She could look round the room, unobserved, and, sure, never was any place out of a king's house so grand and magnificent.Large mirrors, velvet curtains, pictures in their gilded frames, a multitude of dazzling lights decorated the vast saloon, and the floor was studded with groups of ladies and gentlemen, all dressed in gorgeous attire.Suddenly Molly bethought her of the children whom she had accompanied into the dining-room, and to whose ranks she had appeared to belong, - where were they? Gone to bed an hour before, at some quiet signal from their mother.Molly wondered if she might go, too - if she could ever find her way back to the haven of Mrs Kirkpatrick's bedroom.

But she was at some distance from the door; a long way from Mrs Kirkpatrick, to whom she felt herself to belong more than to any one else.Far, too, from Lady Cuxhaven, and the terrible Lady Cumnor, and her jocose and good-natured lord.So Molly sate on, turning over pictures which she did not see; her heart growing heavier and heavier in the desolation of all this grandeur.

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