

'I think it is much more likely that Clare's own daughter - that pretty pawky Miss Kirkpatrick - is the real heroine of this story,' said Lady Harriet.'She always looks like a heroine of genteel comedy, and those young ladies were capable of a good deal of innocent intriguing, if I remember rightly.Now little Molly Gibson has a certain gaucherie about her which would disqualify her at once from any clandestine proceedings.Besides, "clandestine!" why, the child is truth itself.Papa, are you sure Mr Sheepshanks said it was Miss Gibson that was exciting Hollingford scandal? Wasn't it Miss Kirkpatrick? The notion of her and Mr Preston making a match of it does not sound so incongruous; but, if it's my little friend Molly, I'll go to church and forbid the banns.'

'Really, Harriet, I can't think what always makes you take such an interest in all these petty Hollingford affairs.'

'Mamma, it's only tit for tat.They take the most lively interest in all our sayings and doings.If I were going to be married, they would want to know every possible particular, - where we first met, what we first said to each other, what I wore, and whether he offered by letter or in person.I'm sure those good Miss Brownings were wonderfully well-informed as to Mary's methods of managing her nursery, and educating her girls;so it's only a proper return of the compliment to want to know on our side how they are going on.I am quite of papa's faction.I like to hear all the local gossip.'

'Especially when it is flavoured with a spice of scandal and impropriety, as in this case,' said Lady Cumnor, with the momentary bitterness of a convalescent invalid.Lady Harriet coloured with annoyance.But then she rallied her courage, and said with more gravity than before, -'I am really interested in this story about Molly Gibson, I own.I both like and respect her; and I do not like to hear her name coupled with that of Mr Preston.I can't help fancying papa has made some mistake.'

'No, my dear.I'm sure I'm repeating what I heard.I'm sorry I said anything about it, if it annoys you or my lady there.Sheepshanks did say Miss Gibson, though, and he went on to say it was a pity the girl had got herself so talked about; for it was the way they had carried on that gave rise to all the chatter.Preston himself was a very fair match for her, and nobody could have objected to it.But I'll try and find a more agreeable piece of news.Old Margery at the lodge is dead; and they don't know where to find some one to teach clear-starching at your school; and Robert Hall made forty pounds last year by his apples.' So they drifted away from Molly and her affairs; only Lady Harriet kept turning what she had heard over in her own mind with interest and wonder.

'I warned her against him the day of her father's wedding.And what a straightforward, out-spoken lassie it was then! I don't believe it; it's only one of old Sheepshanks' stories, half invention and half deafness.'

The next day Lady Harriet rode over to Hollingford, and for the settling of her curiosity she called on the Miss Brownings, and introduced the subject.

She would not have spoken about the rumour she had heard to any who were not warm friends of Molly's.If Mr Sheepshanks had chosen to allude to it when she had been riding with her father, she would very soon have silenced him by one of the haughty looks she knew full well how to assume.But she felt as if she must know the truth, and accordingly she began thus abruptly to Miss Browning, -'What is all this I hear about my little friend Molly Gibson and Mr Preston?'

'Oh, Lady Harriet! have you heard of it? We are so sorry!'

'Sorry for what?'

'I think, begging your ladyship's pardon, we had better not say any more till we know how much you know,' said Miss Browning.

'Nay,' replied Lady Harriet, laughing a little, 'I shan't tell what I know till I am sure you know more.Then we'll make an exchange if you like.'

'I'm afraid it's no laughing Matter for poor Molly,' said Miss Browning, shaking her head.'People do say such things!'

'But I don't believe them; indeed I don't,' burst in Miss Phoebe, half crying.

'No more will I, then,' said Lady Harriet, taking the good lady's hand.

'It's all very fine, Phoebe, saying you don't believe them, but I should like to know who it was that convinced me, sadly against my will, I am sure.'

'I only told you the facts as Mrs Goodenough told them me, sister; but I'm sure if you had seen poor patient Molly as I have done, sitting up in a corner of a room, looking at the Beauties of England and Wales till she must have been sick of them, and no one speaking to her; and she as gentle and sweet as ever at the end of the evening, though maybe a bit pale - facts or no facts, I won't believe anything against her.'

So there sate Miss Phoebe, in tearful defiance of facts.

'And, as I said before, I'm quite of your opinion,' said Lady Harriet.

'But how does your ladyship explain away her meetings with Mr Preston in all sorts of unlikely and open-air places?' asked Miss Browning, who, to do her justice, would have been only too glad to join Molly's partisans, if she could have preserved her character for logical deduction at the same time.'I went so far as to send for her father and tell him all about it.I thought at least he would have horsewhipped Mr Preston; but he seems to have taken no notice of it.'

'Then we may be quite sure he knows some way of explaining matters that we don't,' said Lady Harriet, decisively.'After all, there may be a hundred and fifty perfectly natural and justifiable explanations.'

'Mr Gibson knew of none when I thought it my duty to speak to him,'

said Miss Browning.

'Why, suppose that Mr Preston is engaged to Miss Kirkpatrick, and Molly is confidante and messenger.'

'I don't see that your ladyship's supposition much alters the blame.

Why, if he is honourably engaged to Cynthia Kirkpatrick, does he not visit her openly at her home in Mr Gibson's house? Why does Molly lend herself to clandestine proceedings?'

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