

Mr.Hopkins continued: "I have never before come across the diamond powder, notwithstanding its use is said not to be uncommon.The preparation of it is a secret, anxiously guarded by the Indian physicians.It seems to play the same part at the Courts of the Indian princes that the celebrated 'aqua tuffana' did in the Middle Ages amongst the Italian despots."These learned explanations of Doctor Hopkins were not adapted to raise the spirits of the company.Everyone remembered that this horrible attempt had only been frustrated by a lucky chance.The Colonel, who seemed to feel very uncomfortable on listening to the Doctor's conversation, gave a sign to his wife to rise, rather sooner than usual.

Tea and drinks cooled in ice were served in the verandah, charmingly illuminated by coloured lamps.Heideck had only had eyes for Edith all the evening.But he had avoided anxiously everything which might have betrayed his feelings.And, even now, he would not have dared to join her in the half-dark corner of the verandah, where she had seated herself, unless she had called out to him asking him to take the empty seat at her side.

"Mr.Heideck, here is another chair," she said, in a perfectly natural voice, drawing aside the pleats of her foulard skirt in order to let him pass.Again their eyes met unnoticed by the others.The violent beating of his heart would have told him that he was entirely in the thraldom of this beautiful young woman had he not known it already.

Suddenly the well-known shouts and cries of Indian drivers were heard.The conversation stopped and everybody looked and observed with astonishment the curious procession of waggons which they could see approaching, as the night was pretty clear.The Colonel excepted, no one understood the meaning of this spectacle.There were five waggons drawn by richly harnessed bullocks and escorted by a bodyguard of the Maharajah on horseback.Their captain rode till close to the verandah, then dismounted, and went up the steps.

His mien was distinguished, and at the same time dignified.He was young and handsome, with Greek features and big, melancholy eyes.

He wore a blouse of yellow silk, held around the waist by a shawl of violet silk, English riding-breeches, and high, yellow boots.Astring of pearls was laid round his turban of violet-striped silk, and diamonds, large as hazel-nuts, sparkled on his breast as they caught the light of the lamp.

"That is Tasatat Rajah, the cousin and favourite of the Prince,"whispered Edith, in answer to a question which she read in Heideck's face."No doubt the Maharajah is sending him with a special mission."The Colonel had risen and gone to meet his visitor, but he neither shook hands with him nor asked him to be seated.

"Greetings, long life and happiness, sahib, to you in the name of His Highness," he began with that noble air peculiar to the high-born Indian."In token of his friendship and his respect he is sending you a small gift.He hopes you will accept it as a proof that you have forgotten the conversation which you had yesterday with His Highness in consequence of an unfortunate misunderstanding.""His Highness is very kind," was the Colonel's answer, in a voice rather formal, "may I ask in what consists the present he is sending me?""Every one of these five waggons, sahib, contains a hundred thousand rupees.""That is as much as five lakhs?"

"It is so.And I ask you once more kindly to favour His Highness with a reply."The Colonel considered a moment, and then answered with the same quiet demeanour and impenetrable expression, "Thanks to you, Prince.Have the contents of these waggons carried into the hall.

The Viceroy will decide what is to be done with it later on."The Prince's face clearly showed his disappointment.For a little while he remained there standing as if considering what to do.But recognising that the Englishman wished to end the conversation, he touched the middle of his forehead with his right hand and descended the steps of the verandah.With the assistance of English soldiers a great many small casks were carried into the hall.The procession moved on again with the same cries and shouts which had accompanied its approach and soon disappeared.

A smile flitted across the Colonel's face, erstwhile so unemotional, as he turned towards his guests, probably feeling that some sort of explanation for his attitude was due to them.

  • 洪恩灵济真君七政星灯仪


  • 赠崔员外


  • 北齐书


  • 理智与情感


  • 太上老君玄妙枕中内德神咒经


  • 文艺国度


  • 帝狱之门


  • 帝法众生


  • 血煞天下:王爷请勿靠近


  • 盛少的契约新娘


  • 守护甜心之残雪忆薰


  • 异世传奇


  • 青梅竹马:校草的小萌宠


  • 指环劫


  • 不朽神皇

