


The place was Chanidigot, in British East India.The blinding brightness of the hot day had been immediately followed, almost without the transition to twilight, by the darkness of evening, which brought with it a refreshing coolness, allowing all living things to breathe again freely.In the wide plain, which served as the encampment ground for the English regiment of lancers, all was alive again with the setting of the sun.The soldiers, freed from the toil of duty, enjoyed themselves, according to their ideas and dispositions, either in playing cards, singing, or merrily drinking.The large tent, used as a messroom by the officers, also showed signs of life.Dinner was over, and a number of gentlemen sat down to a game of cards, as was their daily custom.But here the amusement was of a less harmless character than in the case of the private soldiers.For not innocent bridge, but "poker" was the order of the day, a game much affected in America and also in some parts of England, a game which is solely determined by chance together with a certain histrionic bluffing on the part of the players, and the stakes were rather high.It was mostly played by the younger gentlemen, who could not do without their nerve-tonic in the evenings, in the monotony of camp life.The older men sat apart at tables, talking and drinking whisky-and-soda, and smoking their short pipes.Amongst them there was also a gentleman in civilian dress.The hospitality with which he was treated showed that he was not one of the officers of the regiment, but their guest.The sound of his name--he was addressed as Mr.Heideck--would have betrayed his German origin, even had his appearance not proclaimed it.He was of but medium height, but athletic in build.

His erect, soldiery bearing and the elasticity of his movements plainly betokened his excellent health and considerable bodily strength.A foreigner can hardly present better credentials to an Englishman than these qualities.Perhaps, more than anything else, it was his distinguished appearance, in conjunction with his amiable and thoroughly gentlemanly bearing, that had so quickly opened the usually very exclusive officers' circle to the young German, with his clever, energetic features, and his honest blue eyes.

Judged by his profession he did not, perhaps, belong to their society, according to the ideas of some of these gentlemen.It was known that he was travelling for a large commercial house in Hamburg.His uncle, the head of the house, imported indigo.And since the Maharajah of Chanidigot was the owner of very extensive indigo fields, young Heideck had been detained here a whole fortnight by commercial negotiations with the prince.He had succeeded, during this time, in gaining the lively sympathies of all, but particularly of the older British officers.In Indian garrisons every European is welcome.Heideck was also invited to those social functions at which the ladies of the regiment were present.

He had always refused an invitation to cards with polite firmness, and to-day also he was at most an uninterested and unconcerned spectator.

Presently the door of the tent opened and a tall, but extremely slim officer joined the circle of his comrades, jingling his spurs with a self-conscious, almost haughty attitude.He was in undress uniform and talked to one of the gentlemen, who addressed him as Captain Irwin, about just returning from a fatiguing ride for the inspection of an outpost.He demanded from one of the orderlies in attendance a refreshing drink, the favourite whisky-and-soda, then he drew close to the gaming-table.

"Room for a little one?" he asked.And place was readily made for him.

For a little while the game of poker went on in the same quiet way as before.But suddenly something extraordinary must have happened.All the gentlemen, except Captain Irwin and one of the players, laid down their cards, and the unpleasantly penetrating voice of Captain Irwin was heard.

"You are an old fox, Captain McGregor! But I am aware of your tricks and cannot be taken in by them.Therefore, once more, six hundred rupees!"Every poker-player knows that, so far from being considered dishonourable, it is a chief sign of skill in the game, where each man plays for his own hand, for one to deceive the rest as to the value of the cards he holds.The name of "bluff," which has been given to this game, is itself sufficient to show that everyone has to try his best to puzzle his adversaries.

But this time Irwin appeared to have met his match in McGregor.

For the Captain replied calmly: "Six hundred and fifty.But Iadvise you not to see me, Irwin."

"Seven hundred."

"Seven hundred and fifty."

"Thousand!" shouted Irwin with resounding voice, and leant back in his chair smiling, as if certain of victory.

"You had better consider what you are about," said McGregor."Ihave given you warning."

"A convenient way to haul in seven hundred and fifty rupees.Irepeat: A thousand rupees."

"One thousand and fifty!"

"Two thousand!"

All the gentlemen present in the tent had risen and stood round the two players, who, their cards concealed in their hands, watched each other with sharp glances.Hermann Heideck, who had stepped behind Irwin, noticed on the right hand of the Captain a magnificent diamond ring.But he also perceived, by the way the bright sparkle of the stone quivered, how the gambler's fingers trembled.

Captain McGregor turned to his companions."I take the gentlemen to witness that I have advised my comrade Irwin not to see me at six hundred.""To the devil with your advice!" Irwin interrupted almost furiously."Am I a boy? Will you see me at two thousand, McGregor, or will you not?""Very well, since you insist upon it--three thousand.""Five thousand."

"Five thousand five hundred."

"Ten thousand."

One of the higher officers, Major Robertson, laid his hand lightly upon the shoulder of the rash gambler.

  • 晋中兴书


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  • 口技


  • Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

    Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

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