
第17章 The Ten Commandments(12)

But here again the sad plight arises that no one perceives or heeds this,and all live on as though God gave us children for our pleasure or amusement,and servants that we should employ them like a cow or ass,only for work,or as though we were only to gratify our wantonness with our subjects,ignoring them,as though it were no concern of ours what they learn or how they live;and no one is willing to see that this is the command of the Supreme Majesty,who will most strictly call us to account and punish us for it;nor that there is so great need to be so seriously concerned about the young.For if we wish to have excellent and apt persons both for civil and ecclesiastical government we must spare no diligence,time,or cost in teaching and educating our children,that they may serve God and the world,and we must not think only how we may amass money and possessions for them.For God can indeed without us support and make them rich,as He daily does.But for this purpose He has given us children,and issued this command that we should train and govern them according to His will,else He would have no need of father and mother.Let every one know therefore,that it is his duty,on peril of losing the divine favor,to bring up his children above all things in the fear and knowledge of God,and if they are talented,have them learn and study something,that they may be employed for whatever need there is [to have them instructed and trained in a liberal education,that men may be able to have their aid in government and in whatever is necessary].

If that were done,God would also richly bless us and give us grace to train men by whom land and people might be improved and likewise well educated citizens,chaste and domestic wives,who afterwards would rear godly children and servants.Here consider now what deadly injury you are doing if you be negligent and fail on your part to bring up your child to usefulness and piety,and how you bring upon yourself all sin and wrath,thus earning hell by your own children,even though you be otherwise pious and holy.And because this is disregarded,God so fearfully punishes the world that there is no discipline,government,or peace,of which we all complain,but do not see that it is our fault;for as we train them,we have spoiled and disobedient children and subjects.Let this be sufficient exhortation;for to draw this out at length belongs to another time.

The Fifth Commandment.

Thou shalt not kill.

We have now completed both the spiritual and the temporal government,that is,the divine and the paternal authority and obedience.But here now we go forth from our house among our neighbors to learn how we should live with one another,every one himself toward his neighbor.

Therefore God and government are not included in this commandment nor is the power to kill,which they have taken away.For God has delegated His authority to punish evil-doers to the government instead of parents,who aforetime (as we read in Moses)were required to bring their own children to judgment and sentence them to death.Therefore,what is here forbidden is forbidden to the individual in his relation to any one else,and not to the government.

Now this commandment is easy enough and has been often treated,because we hear it annually in the Gospel of St.Matthew,5,21ff.,where Christ Himself explains and sums it up,namely,that we must not kill neither with hand,heart,mouth,signs,gestures,help,nor counsel.Therefore it is here forbidden to every one to be angry,except those (as we said)who are in the place of God,that is,parents and the government.For it is proper for God and for every one who is in a divine estate to be angry,to reprove and punish,namely,on account of those very persons who transgress this and the other commandments.

But the cause and need of this commandment is that God well knows that the world is evil,and that this life has much unhappiness;therefore He has placed this and the other commandments between the good and the evil.Now,as there are many assaults upon all commandments,so it happens also in this commandment that we must live among many people who do us harm,so that we have cause to be hostile to them.

As when your neighbor sees that you have a better house and home [a larger family and more fertile fields],greater possessions and fortune from God than he,he is sulky,envies you,and speaks no good of you.

Thus by the devil's incitement you will get many enemies who cannot bear to see you have any good,either bodily or spiritual.When we see such people,our hearts,in turn,would rage and bleed and take vengeance.Then there arise cursing and blows,from which follow finally misery and murder.Here,now,God like a kind father steps in ahead of Us,interposes and wishes to have the quarrel settled,that no misfortune come of it,nor one destroy another.And briefly He would hereby protect,set free,and keep in peace every one against the crime and violence of every one else;and would have this commandment placed as a wall,fortress,and refuge about our neighbor,that we do him no hurt nor harm in his body.

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