
第32章 A Battle with Monsters(2)

Coming towards him at his right hand was an immense bird, whose bod. seemed almost as big as that of a horse. Its wide-open, curving bea. was set with rows of pointed teeth, and the talons held against it. breast and turned threateningly outward were more powerful an. dreadful than a tiger's claws.

While, fascinated and horrified, he watched the approach of thi. feathered monster, a scream sounded just behind him and the nex. instant the stroke of a mighty wing sent him whirling over and ove. through the air.

He soon came to a stop, however, and saw that another of the monster. had come upon him from the rear and was now, with its mate, circlin. closely around him, while both uttered continuously their hoarse. savage cries.

Rob wondered why the Garment of Repulsion had not protected him fro. the blow of the bird's wing; but, as a matter of fact, it ha. protected him. For it was not the wing itself but the force of th. eddying currents of air that had sent him whirling away from th. monster. With the indicator at zero the magnetic currents and th. opposing powers of attraction and repulsion were so evenly balance. that any violent atmospheric disturbance affected him in the same wa. that thistledown is affected by a summer breeze. He had notice. something of this before, but whenever a strong wind was blowing h. was accustomed to rise to a position above the air currents. This wa. the first time he had slept with the indicator at zero.

The huge birds at once renewed their attack, but Rob had now recovere. his wits sufficiently to draw the electric tube from his pocket. Th. first one to dart towards him received the powerful electric curren. direct from the tube, and fell stunned and fluttering to the surfac. of the sea, where it floated motionless. Its mate, perhaps warned b. this sudden disaster, renewed its circling flight, moving so swiftl. that Rob could scarcely follow it, and drawing nearer and nearer ever. moment to its intended victim. The boy could not turn in the air ver. quickly, and he feared an attack in the back, mistrusting the savin. power of the Garment of Repulsion under such circumstances; so i. desperation he pressed his finger upon the button of the tube an. whirled the instrument around his head in the opposite direction t. that in which the monster was circling. Presently the current and th. bird met, and with one last scream the creature tumbled downwards t. join its fellow upon the waves, where they lay like two floating islands.

Their presence had left a rank, sickening stench in the surroundin. atmosphere, so Rob made haste to resume his journey and was soo. moving rapidly eastward.

He could not control a shudder at the recollection of his recen. combat, and realized the horror of a meeting with such creatures b. one who had no protection from their sharp beaks and talons.

"It's no wonder the Japs draw ugly pictures of those monsters," h. thought. "People who live in these parts must pass most of thei. lives in a tremble."The sun was now shining brilliantly, and when the beautiful islands o. Japan came in sight Rob found that he had recovered his wonte. cheerfulness. He moved along slowly, hovering with curious interes. over the quaint and picturesque villages and watching the industriou. Japanese patiently toiling at their tasks. Just before he reache. Tokio he came to a military fort, and for nearly an hour watched th. skilful maneuvers of a regiment of soldiers at their morning drill.

They were not very big people, compared with other nations, but the. seemed alert and well trained, and the boy decided it would require . brave enemy to face them on a field of battle.

Having at length satisfied his curiosity as to Japanese life an. customs Rob prepared for his long flight across the Pacific Ocean.

By consulting his map he discovered that should he maintain his cours. due east, as before, he would arrive at a point in America very nea. to San Francisco, which suited his plans excellently.

Having found that he moved more swiftly when farthest from the earth'. surface, because the air was more rarefied and offered les. resistance, Rob mounted upwards until the islands of Japan were mer. specks visible through the clear, sunny atmosphere.

Then he began his eastward flight, the broad surface of the Pacifi. seeming like a blue cloud far beneath him.

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