

SYME put the field-glasses from his eyes with an almost ghastly relief.

"The President is not with them, anyhow," he said, and wiped his forehead.

"But surely they are right away on the horizon," said the bewildered Colonel, blinking and but half recovered from Bull's hasty though polite explanation. "Could you possibly know your President among all those people?""Could I know a white elephant among all those people!" answered Syme somewhat irritably. "As you very truly say, they are on the horizon; but if he were walking with them . . . by God! I believe this ground would shake."After an instant's pause the new man called Ratcliffe said with gloomy decision--"Of course the President isn't with them. I wish to Gemini he were.

Much more likely the President is riding in triumph through Paris, or sitting on the ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral.""This is absurd!" said Syme. "Something may have happened in our absence; but he cannot have carried the world with a rush like that. It is quite true," he added, frowning dubiously at the distant fields that lay towards the little station, "it is certainly true that there seems to be a crowd coming this way;but they are not all the army that you make out.""Oh, they," said the new detective contemptuously; "no they are not a very valuable force. But let me tell you frankly that they are precisely calculated to our value--we are not much, my boy, in Sunday's universe. He has got hold of all the cables and telegraphs himself. But to kill the Supreme Council he regards as a trivial matter, like a post card; it may be left to his private secretary," and he spat on the grass.

Then he turned to the others and said somewhat austerely--"There is a great deal to be said for death; but if anyone has any preference for the other alternative, I strongly advise him to walk after me."With these words, he turned his broad back and strode with silent energy towards the wood. The others gave one glance over their shoulders, and saw that the dark cloud of men had detached itself from the station and was moving with a mysterious discipline across the plain. They saw already, even with the naked eye, black blots on the foremost faces, which marked the masks they wore.

They turned and followed their leader, who had already struck the wood, and disappeared among the twinkling trees.

The sun on the grass was dry and hot. So in plunging into the wood they had a cool shock of shadow, as of divers who plunge into a dim pool. The inside of the wood was full of shattered sunlight and shaken shadows. They made a sort of shuddering veil, almost recalling the dizziness of a cinematograph. Even the solid figures walking with him Syme could hardly see for the patterns of sun and shade that danced upon them. Now a man's head was lit as with a light of Rembrandt, leaving all else obliterated; now again he had strong and staring white hands with the face of a negro. The ex-Marquis had pulled the old straw hat over his eyes, and the black shade of the brim cut his face so squarely in two that it seemed to be wearing one of the black half-masks of their pursuers.

The fancy tinted Syme's overwhelming sense of wonder. Was he wearing a mask? Was anyone wearing a mask? Was anyone anything?

This wood of witchery, in which men's faces turned black and white by turns, in which their figures first swelled into sunlight and then faded into formless night, this mere chaos of chiaroscuro (after the clear daylight outside), seemed to Syme a perfect symbol of the world in which he had been moving for three days, this world where men took off their beards and their spectacles and their noses, and turned into other people. That tragic self-confidence which he had felt when he believed that the Marquis was a devil had strangely disappeared now that he knew that the Marquis was a friend. He felt almost inclined to ask after all these bewilderments what was a friend and what an enemy. Was there anything that was apart from what it seemed? The Marquis had taken off his nose and turned out to be a detective. Might he not just as well take off his head and turn out to be a hobgoblin? Was not everything, after all, like this bewildering woodland, this dance of dark and light? Everything only a glimpse, the glimpse always unforeseen, and always forgotten. For Gabriel Syme had found in the heart of that sun-splashed wood what many modern painters had found there. He had found the thing which the modern people call Impressionism, which is another name for that final scepticism which can find no floor to the universe.

As a man in an evil dream strains himself to scream and wake, Syme strove with a sudden effort to fling off this last and worst of his fancies. With two impatient strides he overtook the man in the Marquis's straw hat, the man whom he had come to address as Ratcliffe. In a voice exaggeratively loud and cheerful, he broke the bottomless silence and made conversation.

"May I ask," he said, "where on earth we are all going to? "So genuine had been the doubts of his soul, that he was quite glad to hear his companion speak in an easy, human voice.

"We must get down through the town of Lancy to the sea," he said.

"I think that part of the country is least likely to be with them.""What can you mean by all this?" cried Syme. "They can't be running the real world in that way. Surely not many working men are anarchists, and surely if they were, mere mobs could not beat modern armies and police.""Mere mobs!" repeated his new friend with a snort of scorn. "So you talk about mobs and the working classes as if they were the question. You've got that eternal idiotic idea that if anarchy came it would come from the poor. Why should it? The poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government.

  • 隋唐嘉话


  • 林泉随笔


  • 名公法喜志


  • 玉照新志


  • The Wind in the Willows

    The Wind in the Willows

  • 师道诱惑


  • 快乐星球艾克传奇


  • 佣兵狂妃:王爷太腹黑


  • 昆曲


  • 非正常的地下城


  • 妈妈的高度决定孩子的起点


    本书列举了家庭教育中最常遇到的典型问题和现象,以“如何让孩子爱上学习”、“给孩子当家的权利”、“让孩子当老师”、“如何处理早恋“不要剥夺孩子走弯路的权利”等案例入手,以故事性的描述手法展示给大家,以中肯自然的平等交流方式,将自己的观点表达出来。作者凭借自己多年教育孩子的细心体验及所从事的教育心理咨询方面的研究工作,综合中西方教育观,发挥了一个做母亲的天赋,改变了“中国式家庭”的教育观。在当下压力较大社会里,给了家庭和孩子“以喜欢的方式过一生”的权利。 这对于当下日渐急功近利,陷入各种教育理论中的迷茫家长们来说,无疑是一针清醒剂。该为孩子执着什么、放弃什么,妈妈们也许能从此书中找到答案。
  • 贪狼传说


  • 校花之贴身武林高手


  • 一纸契约:爱之不如念之


  • 曾经的她,现在的他

