

"I'll shoot better next time," yelled Johnny; "and there'll be a next time." He backed rapidly out the door.

Carson, the sheepman, spurred on to attempt further exploits by the success of his plate-throwing, was first to reach the door.McRoy's bullet from the darkness laid him low.

The cattlemen then swept out upon him, calling for vengeance, for, while the slaughter of a sheepman has not always lacked condonement, it was a decided mis-demeanour in this instance.Carson was innocent; he was no accomplice at the matrimonial proceedings; nor had any one heard him quote the line "Christmas comes but once a year" to the guests.

But the sortie failed in its vengeance.McRoy was on his horse and away, shouting back curses and threats as he galloped into the concealing chaparral.

That night was the birthnight of the Frio Kid.He became the "bad man" of that portion of the State.

The rejection of his suit by Miss McMullen turned him to a dangerous man.When officers went after him for the shooting of Carson, he killed two of them, and entered upon the life of an outlaw.He became a marvellous shot with either hand.He would turn up in towns and settlements, raise a quarrel at the slightest opportunity, pick off his man and laugh at the officers of the law.He was so cool, so deadly, so rapid, so inhumanly blood-thirsty that none but faint attempts were ever made to capture him.When he was at last shot and killed by a little one-armed Mexican who was nearly dead himself from fright, the Frio Kid had the deaths of eighteen men on his head.About half of these were killed in fair duels depending upon the quickness of the draw.The other half were men whom be assassinated from absolute wantonness and cruelty.

Many tales are told along the border of his impudent courage and daring.But he was not one of the breed of desperadoes who have seasons of generosity and even of softness.They say he never had mercy on the object of his anger.Yet at this and every Christmastide it is well to give each one credit, if it can be done, for what-ever speck of good he may have possessed.If the Frio Kid ever did a kindly act or felt a throb of generosity in his heart it was once at such a time and season, and this is the way it happened.

One who has been crossed in love should never breathe the odour from the blossoms of the ratama tree.It stirs the memory to a dangerous degree.

One December in the Frio country there was a ratama tree in full bloom, for the winter had been as warm as springtime.That way rode the Frio Kid and his satellite aW co-murderer, Mexican Frank.The kid reined in his mustang, and sat in his saddle, thoughtful and grim, with dangerously narrowing eyes.The rich, sweet scent touched him somewhere beneath his ice and iron.

"I don't know what I've been thinking about, Mex,"he remarked in his usual mild drawl, "to have forgot all about a Christmas present I got to give.I'm going to ride over to-morrow night and shoot Madison Lane in his own house.He got my girl -- Rosita would have had me if he hadn't cut into the game.I wonder why Ihappened to overlook it up to now?"

"Ah, shucks, Kid," said Mexican, "don't talk foolish-ness.You know you can't get within a mile of Mad Lane's house to-morrow night.I see old man Allen day before yesterday, and he says Mad is going to have Christmas doings at his house.You remember how you shot up the festivities when Mad was married, and about the threats you made? Don't you suppose Mad Lane'll kind of keep his eye open for a certain Mr.Kid? You plumb make me tired, Kid, with such remarks.""I'm going," repeated the Frio Kid, without heat, "to go to Madison Lane's Christmas doings, and kill him.I ought to have done it a long time ago.Why, Mex, just two weeks ago I dreamed me and Rosita was married instead of her and him; and we was living in a house, and I could see her smiling at me, and -- oh! h--l, Mex, he got her; and I'll get him -- yes, sir, on Christmas Eve he got her, and then's when I'll get him.""There's other ways of committing suicide," advised Mexican."Why don't you go and surrender to the sheriff?""I'll get him," said the Kid.

Christmas Eve fell as balmy as April.Perhaps there was a hint of far-away frostiness in the air, but it tingles like seltzer, perfumed faintly with late prairie blossoms and the mesquite grass.

When night came the five or six rooms of the ranch-house were brightly lit.In one room was a Christmas tree, for the Lanes had a boy of three, and a dozen or more guests were expected from the nearer ranches.

At nightfall Madison Lane called aside Jim Belcher and three other cowboys employed on his ranch.

"Now, boys," said Lane, "keep your eyes open.Walk around the house and watch the road well.All of you know the 'Frio Kid,' as they call him now, and if you see him, open fire on him without asking any questions.

I'm not afraid of his coming around, but Rosita is.She's been afraid he'd come in on us every Christmas since we were married."The guests had arrived in buckboards and on horseback, and were making themselves comfortable inside.

The evening went along pleasantly.The guests enjoyed and praised Rosita's excellent supper, and after-ward the men scattered in groups about the rooms or on the broad "gallery," smoking and chatting.

The Christmas tree, of course, delighted the youngsters, and above all were they pleased when Santa Claus himself in magnificent white beard and furs appeared and began to distribute the toys.

"It's my papa," announced Billy Sampson, aged six.

"I've seen him wear 'em before."

Berkly, a sheepman, an old friend of Lane, stopped Rosita as she was passing by him on the gallery, where he was sitting smoking.

  • 嘉定镇江志


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  • 七秒钟的爱情


  • 冥想,是放松的开始


    忙碌的节奏成为生活的主旋律,我们的肩头承受重压,心里紧绷了弦,因身心的疲惫苦不堪言。紧张而浮躁的世界,怎样有效地让思想和情绪安宁下来,给心灵一个休憩的时空?越来越多的人希望能够找到对策。跟我一起冥想吧, 给疲惫的身心一条放松的路,沿着它,我们能找到心中的桃花源。据医学研究显示,养生关键在于放松。本书为忙碌的现代陀螺们,找到创造生命幸福的解决之道!每天20分钟冥想可以增强身体免疫力,预防感冒,抗老化,重整脑细胞,打通脑内阻塞的的通路,改善神经协调,缓和情绪、提高快乐能量,让内分泌循环处于更深层次,增强同理心;改善血液循环,降低血压预防癌症及慢性病,减少身体耗氧量、瘦身及治疗不孕,是身体放松的开始。
  • 抗日堡垒张家营


  • 杠上总裁:小小皇后萌萌哒


  • 亡灵序曲

