

`Ah, sir,' said Mr. Gottesheim, `it is very plain that you are not from hereabouts! But the truth is, that the whole princely family and Court are rips and rascals, not one to mend another. They live, sir, in idleness and -- what most commonly follows it -- corruption. The Princess has a lover -- a Baron, as he calls himself, from East Prussia; and the Prince is so little of a man, sir, that he holds the candle. Nor is that the worst of it, for this foreigner and his paramour are suffered to transact the State affairs, while the Prince takes the salary and leaves all things to go to wrack. There will follow upon this some manifest judgment which, though I am old, I may survive to see.'

`Good man, you are in the wrong about Gondremark,' said Fritz, showing a greatly increased animation; `but for all the rest, you speak the God's truth like a good patriot. As for the Prince, if he would take and strangle his wife, I would forgive him yet.'

`Nay, Fritz,' said the old man, `that would be to add iniquity to evil. For you perceive, sir,' he continued, once more addressing himself to the unfortunate Prince, `this Otto has himself to thank for these disorders.

He has his young wife and his principality, and he has sworn to cherish both.'

`Sworn at the altar!' echoed Fritz. `But put your faith in princes!'

`Well, sir, he leaves them both to an adventurer from East Prussia,' pursued the farmer: `leaves the girl to be seduced and to go on from bad to worse, till her name's become a tap-room by-word, and she not yet twenty; leaves the country to be overtaxed, and bullied with armaments, and jockied into war -- `

`War!' cried Otto.

`So they say, sir; those that watch their ongoings, say to war,' asseverated Killian. `Well, sir, that is very sad; it is a sad thing for this poor, wicked girl to go down to hell with people's curses; it's a sad thing for a tight little happy country to be misconducted; but whoever may complain, I humbly conceive, sir, that this Otto cannot. What he has worked for, that he has got; and may God have pity on his soul, for a great and a silly sinner's!'

`He has broke his oath; then he is a perjurer. He takes the money and leaves the work; why, then plainly he's a thief. A cuckold he was before, and a fool by birth. Better me that!' cried Fritz, and snapped his fingers.

`And now, sir, you will see a little,' continued the farmer, `why we think so poorly of this Prince Otto. There's such a thing as a man being pious and honest in the private way; and there is such a thing, sir, as a public virtue; but when a man has neither, the Lord lighten him! Even this Gondremark, that Fritz here thinks so much of -- `

`Ay,' interrupted Fritz, `Gondremark's the man for me. I would we had his like in Gerolstein.'

`He is a bad man,' said the old farmer, shaking his head; `and there was never good begun by the breach of God's commandments. But so far I will go with you; he is a man that works for what he has.'

`I tell you he's the hope of Grünewald,' cried Fritz. `He doesn't suit some of your high-and-dry, old, ancient ideas; but he's a downright modern man -- a man of the new lights and the progress of the age. He does some things wrong; so they all do; but he has the people's interests next his heart; and you mark me -- you, sir, who are a Liberal, and the enemy of all their governments, you please to mark my words -- the day will come in Grünewald, when they take out that yellow-headed skulk of a Prince and that dough-faced Messalina of a Princess, march `em back foremost over the borders, and proclaim the Baron Gondremark first President. I've heard them say it in a speech. I was at a meeting once at Brandenau, and the Mittwalden delegates spoke up for fifteen thousand.

Fifteen thousand, all brigaded, and each man with a medal round his neck to rally by. That's all Gondremark.'

`Ay, sir, you see what it leads to; wild talk to-day, and wilder doings to-morrow,' said the old man. `For there is one thing certain: that this Gondremark has one foot in the Court backstairs, and the other in the Masons' lodges. He gives himself out, sir, for what nowadays they call a patriot: a man from East Prussia!'

`Give himself out!' cried Fritz. `He is! He is to lay by his title as soon as the Republic is declared; I heard it in a speech.'

`Lay by Baron to take up President?' returned Killian. `King Log, King Stork. But you'll live longer than I, and you will see the fruits of it.'

`Father,' whispered Ottilia, pulling at the speaker's coat, `surely the gentleman is ill.'

`I beg your pardon,' cried the farmer, rewaking to hospitable thoughts; `can I offer you anything?'

`I thank you. I am very weary,' answered Otto. `I have presumed upon my strength. If you would show me to a bed, I should be grateful.'

`Ottilia, a candle!' said the old man. `Indeed, sir, you look paley. A little cordial water? No? Then follow me, I beseech you, and I will bring you to the stranger's bed. You are not the first by many who has slept well below my roof,' continued the old gentleman, mounting the stairs before his guest; `for good food, honest wine, a grateful conscience, and a little pleasant chat before a man retires, are worth all the possets and apothecary's drugs. See, sir,' and here he opened a door and ushered Otto into a little white-washed sleeping-room, `here you are in port. It is small, but it is airy, and the sheets are clean and kept in lavender.

The window, too, looks out above the river, and there's no music like a little river's. It plays the same tune (and that's the favourite) over and over again, and yet does not weary of it like men fiddlers. It takes the mind out of doors: and though we should be grateful for good houses, there is, after all, no house like God's out-of-doors. And lastly, sir, it quiets a man down like saying his prayers. So here, sir, I take my kind leave of you until to-morrow; and it is my prayerful wish that you may slumber like a prince.'

And the old man, with the twentieth courteous inclination, left his guest alone.

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