


"And so you think the trouble lies with the man and not with the whiskey?" I said.

The Old Cattleman and I were discussing "temperance.""Right you be.This yere whiskey-drinkin'," continued the old gentleman as he toyed with his empty glass, "is a mighty cur'ous play.I knows gents as can tamper with their little old forty drops frequent an' reg'lar.As far as hurtin' of 'em is concerned, it don't come to throwin' water on a drowned rat.Then, ag'in, I've cut gents's trails as drinkin' whiskey is like playin' a harp with a hammer.Which we-alls ain't all upholstered alike; that's whatever.

We don't all show the same brands an' y'earmarks nohow: What's med'cine for one is p'isen for t'other; an' thar you be.

"Bein' a reg'lar, reliable drunkard that a-way comes mighty near bein' a disease.It ain't no question of nerve, neither.Some dead-game gents I knows--an' who's that obstinate they wouldn't move camp for a prairie-fire--couldn't pester a little bit with whiskey.

"Thar's my friend, Mace Bowman.Mace is clean strain cl'ar through, an' yet I don't reckon he ever gets to a show-down with whiskey once which he ain't outheld.But for grim nerve as'll never shiver, this yere Bowman is at par every time.

"Bowman dies a prey to his ambition.He starts in once to drink all the whiskey in Wolfville.By his partic'lar request most of the white male people of the camp stands in on the deal, a-backin' his play for to make Wolfville a dry camp.At the close of them two lurid weeks Mace lasts, good jedges, like Enright an' Doc Peets, allows he's shorely made it scarce some.

"But Wolfville's too big for him.Any other gent but Mace would have roped at a smaller outfit, but that wouldn't be Mace nohow.If thar's a bigger camp than Wolfville anywhere about, that's where he'd been.He's mighty high-hearted an' ambitious that a-way, an'

it's kill a bull or nothin' when he lines out for buffalo.

"But the thirteenth day, he strikes in on the big trail, where you never meets no outfits comin' back, an' that settles it.The boys, not havin' no leader, with Mace petered, gives up the game, an' the big raid on nose-paint in Wolfville is only hist'ry now.

"When I knows Bowman first he's sheriff over in northeast New Mexico.A good sheriff Mace is, too.Thar ain't nothin' gets run off while he's sheriff, you bet.When he allows anythin's his dooty, he lays for it permiscus.He's a plumb sincere offishul that a-way.

"One time I recalls as how a wagon-train with households of folks into it camps two or three days where Mace is sheriff.These yere people's headin' for some'ers down on the Rio Grande, aimin' to settle a whole lot.Mebby it's the third mornin' along of sun-up when they strings out on the trail, an' we-alls thinks no more of 'em.It's gettin' about third-drink time when back rides a gent, sorter fretful like, an' allows he's done shy a boy.

"'When do you-all see this yere infant last?' says Mace.

"'Why,' says the gent, 'I shorely has him yesterday, 'cause my old woman done rounds 'em up an' counts.'

"'What time is that yesterday?'

"'Bout first-drink time,' says the bereaved party.

"'How many of these yere offsprings, corral count, do you-all lay claim to anyway?' asks Mace.

"'Which I've got my brand onto 'leven of 'em,' says the pore parent, beginnin' to sob a whole lot.'Of course this yere young-one gettin'

strayed this a-way leaves me short one.It makes it a mighty rough crossin', stranger, after bringin' that boy so far.The old woman, she bogs right down when she knows, an' I don't reckon she'll be the same he'pmeet to me onless I finds him ag'in.'

"'Oh, well,' says Mace, tryin' to cheer this bereft person up, 'we lose kyards in the shuffle which the same turns up all right in the deal; an' I reckons we-alls walks down this yearlin' of yours ag'in, too.What for brands or y'earmarks, does he show, so I'll know him.'

"'As to brands an' y'earmarks,' says the party, a-wipin' of his eye, 'he's shy a couple of teeth, bein' milk-teeth as he's shed; an'

thar's a mark on his for'ard where his mother swipes him with a dipper, that a-way, bringin' him up proper.That's all I remembers quick.'

"Mace tells the party to take a cinch on his feelin's, an' stampedes over to the Mexican part of camp, which is called Chilili, on a scout for the boy.Whatever do you-all reckon's become of him, son?

I'm a wolf if a Mexican ain't somehow cut him out of the herd an'

stole him.Takes him in, same as you mavericks a calf.Why in the name of hoss-stealin' he ever yearns for that young-one is allers too many for me.

"When the abductor hears how Mace is on his trail, which he does from other Mexicans, he swings onto his bronco an' begins p'intin'

out, takin' boy an' all.But Mace has got too far up on him, an'

  • 陆九渊文选


  • 王阳明靖乱录


  • Jack and Jill

    Jack and Jill

  • 玄帝灯仪


  • 皇帝降诞日于麟德殿讲大方广佛华严经玄义


  • 天地传说之弱水三千


  • 三国之千古雄杰


  • 妖怪家族百鬼夜行


  • 奇瞳之师


  • 落弦锁


  • 格兰特船长的儿女(语文新课标课外读物)


  • 探索神秘的大自然:变幻莫测的大自然


  • 潜龙引


  • 历史挖的坑


    历史是复杂的,不管碎屑多么细小,也仍旧复杂。本书站在史册边上,发一通卑之无甚高论之论,以期于人有益。因此,本书最大特点在于用思想性统率可读性,严肃认真,不人云亦云,也不故作惊人之语。对专制皇权的剖析平心静气;对臣民适应专制的状态求实求真;对专制社会微调机制的失灵,分析持之有故。 该书分上中下三编,上编主要分析皇权运作时最高统治者的各种手段与权术;中编则分析臣民对专制社会的认同,对皇权的忠诚,对社会正常运转所作的努力;下编为士的历史,铸造了士的两个品格:家国情怀和御用心态。
  • EXO樱雪学院

