

The countryside lay as under some dread enchantment. Or worse still, thought Scarlett with a chill, like the familiar and dear face of a mother, beautiful and quiet at last, after death agonies.She felt that the once-familiar woods were full of ghosts.Thousands had died in the fighting near Jonesboro.They were here in these haunted woods where the slanting afternoon sun gleamed eerily through unmoving leaves, friends and foes, peering at her in her rickety wagon, through eyes blinded with blood and red dust—glazed, horrible eyes.

“Mother!Mother!”she whispered. If she could only win to Ellen!If only, by a miracle of God, Tara were still standing and she could drive up the long avenue of trees and go into the house and see her mother's kind, tender face, could feel once more the soft capable hands that drove out fear, could clutch Ellen's skirts and bury her face in them.Mother would know what to do.She wouldn't let Melanie and her baby die.She would drive away all ghosts and fears with her quiet“Hush, hush.”But Mother was ill, perhaps dying.

Scarlett laid the whip across the weary rump of the horse. They must go faster!They had crept along this never-ending road all the long hot day.Soon it would be night and they would be alone in this desolation that was death.She gripped the reins tighter with hands that were blistered and-slapped them fiercely on the horse's back, her aching arms burning at the movement.

If she could only reach the kind arms of Tara and Ellen and lay down her burdens, far too heavy for her young shoulders—the dying woman, the fading baby, her own hungry little boy, the frightened negro, all looking to her for strength, for guidance, all reading in her straight back courage she did not possess and strength which had long since failed.

The exhausted horse did not respond to the whip or reins but shambled on, dragging his feet, stumbling on small rocks and swaying as if ready to fall to his knees. But, as twilight came, they at last entered the final lap of the long journey.They rounded the bend of the wagon path and turned into the main road.Tara was only a mile away!

Here loomed up the dark bulk of the mock-orange hedge that marked the beginning of the Macintosh property. A little farther on, Scarlett drew rein in front of the avenue of oaks that led from the road to old Angus Macintosh's house.She peered through the gathering dusk down the two lines of ancient trees.All was dark.Not a single light showed in the house or in the quarters.Straining her eyes in the darkness she dimly discerned a sight which had grown familiar through that terrible day—two tall chimneys, like gigantic tombstones towering above the ruined second floor, and broken unlit windows blotching the walls like still, blind eyes.

“Hello!”she shouted, summoning all her strength.“Hello!”

Prissy clawed at her in a frenzy of fright and Scarlett, turning, saw that her eyes were rolling in her head.

“Doan holler, Miss Scarlett!Please, doan holler agin!”she whispered, her voice shaking.“Dey ain'no tellin'whut mout answer!”

“Dear God!”thought Scarlett, a shiver running through her.“Dear God!She's right. Anything might come out of there!”

She flapped the reins and urged the horse forward. The sight of the Macintosh house had pricked the last bubble of hope remaining to her.It was burned, in ruins, deserted, as were all the plantations she had passed that day.Tara lay only half a mile away, on the same road, right in the path of the army.Tara was leveled, too!She would find only the blackened bricks, starlight shining through the roofless walls, Ellen and Gerald gone, the girls gone, Mammy gone, the negroes gone, God knows where, and this hideous stillness over everything.

Why had she come on this fool's errand, against all common sense, dragging Melanie and her child?Better that they had died in Atlanta than, tortured by this day of burning sun and jolting wagon, to die in the silent ruins of Tara.

But Ashley had left Melanie in her care.“Take care of her.”Oh, that beautiful, heartbreaking day when he had kissed her good-by before he went away forever!“You'll take care of her, won't you?Promise!”And she had promised. Why had she ever bound herself with such a promise, doubly binding now that Ashley was gone?Even in her exhaustion she hated Melanie, hated the tiny mewing voice of her child which, fainter and fainter, pierced the stillness.But she had promised and now they belonged to her, even as Wade and Prissy belonged to her, and she must struggle and fight for them as long as she had strength or breath.She could have left them in Atlanta, dumped Melanie into the hospital and deserted her.But had she done that, she couldnever face Ashley, either on this earth or in the hereafter and tell him she had left his wife and child to die among strangers.

Oh, Ashley!Where was he tonight while she toiled down this haunted road with his wife and baby?Was he alive and did he think of her as he lay behind the bars at Rock Island?Or was he dead of smallpox months ago, rotting in some long ditch with hundreds of other Confederates?

Scarlett's taut nerves almost cracked as a sudden noise sounded in the underbrush near them. Prissy screamed loudly, throwing herself to the floor of the wagon, the baby beneath her.Melanie stirred feebly, her hands seeking the baby, and Wade covered his eyes and cowered, too frightened to cry.Then the bushes beside them crashed apart under heavy hooves and a low moaning bawl assaulted their ears.

“It's only a cow,”said Scarlett, her voice rough with fright.“Don't be a fool, Prissy. You've mashed the baby and frightened Miss Melly and Wade.”

“It's a ghos',”moaned Prissy, writhing face down on the wagon boards.

Turning deliberately, Scarlett raised the tree limb she had been using as a whip and brought it down across Prissy's back. She was too exhausted and weak from fright to tolerate weakness in anyone else.

“Sit up, you fool,”she said,“before I wear this out on you.”

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    一部关于人性、欲望与命运的长篇力作,拷问官场、情场、婚姻、家庭数十载的快意恩仇。母亲正在分娩,突然枪炮声四起,新生儿仁海生正好与新中国同龄,这个特殊生日和地主狗崽子的身份,埋下他一切苦难的种子,也烙印下他双重性格胎记。 伴随着一次次政治风云和生日劫难,仁海生娶了毫无浪漫情趣的二女为妻,却长时间不愿做男女之事。慢慢地,他开始寻找知音和激情,与女强人辛子的不期然“触电”,与县委组织部副部长雅琦马拉松式的暗恋……
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    "“掌我命运,燃我神魂……不入轮回……我的道,天!你也不懂!”暴吼声中,战无命不再掩饰自己的气机,漫天神雷若雨瀑般泻下,将每一寸虚空尽数填满。战无命的身体也在刹那间化成无尽雷光,他悍然引爆体内的本命雷力,让压抑了七日的雷劫更加狂暴,整个虚空都仿佛被雷火击穿,形成无数雷域空间。战无命在雷声中狂笑,这是他的雷劫,这是他的命运,但是这一次,他不再孤单。他用生命化雷,将自己的魂与雷相融,瞬间与怀中女人同化雷域。天劫灭世之雷可灭一切逆天生命,却毁灭不了他,这是战无命最后的筹码。哪怕只有万分之一的可能,战无命也愿意用一切赌这一世的逆转。他赌天道轮回之中那一线生机! "
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