

The Formation of the Progressive Party.The action of the Republicans in seating the Taft delegates was vigorously denounced by Roosevelt.He declared that the convention had no claim to represent the voters of the Republican party;that any candidate named by it would be "the beneficiary of a successful fraud";and that it would be deeply discreditable to any man to accept the convention's approval under such circumstances.The bitterness of his followers was extreme.On July 8,a call went forth for a "Progressive"convention to be held in Chicago on August 5.The assembly which duly met on that day was a unique political conference.Prominence was given to women delegates,and "politicians"were notably absent.Roosevelt himself,who was cheered as a conquering hero,made an impassioned speech setting forth his "confession of faith."He was nominated by acclamation;Governor Hiram Johnson of California was selected as his companion candidate for Vice President.The platform endorsed such political reforms as woman suffrage,direct primaries,the initiative,referendum,and recall,popular election of United States Senators,and the short ballot.It favored a program of social legislation,including the prohibition of child labor and minimum wages for women.It approved the regulation,rather than the dissolution,of the trusts.Like apostles in a new and lofty cause,theProgressives entered a vigorous campaign for the election of their distinguished leader.

Woodrow Wilson and the Election of 1912.With the Republicans divided,victory loomed up before the Democrats.Naturally,a terrific contest over the nomination occurred at their convention in Baltimore.Champ Clark,Speaker of the House of Representatives,and Governor Woodrow Wilson,of New Jersey,were the chief contestants.After tossing to and fro for seven long,hot days,and taking fortysix ballots,the delegates,powerfully influenced by Mr.Bryan,finally decided in favor of the governor.As a professor,a writer on historical and political subjects,and the president of Princeton University,Mr.Wilson had become widely known in public life.As the governor of New Jersey he had attracted the support of the progressives in both parties.With grim determination he had "waged war on the bosses,"and pushed through the legislature measures establishing direct primaries,regulating public utilities,and creating a system of workmen's compensation in industries.During the presidential campaign that followed Governor Wilson toured the country and aroused great enthusiasm by a series of addresses later published under the title of The New Freedom.He declared that "the government of the United States is at present the foster child of the special interests."He proposed to free the country by breaking the dominance of "the big bankers,the big manufacturers,the big masters of commerce,the heads of railroad corporations and of steamship corporations."

In the election Governor Wilson easily secured a majority of the electoral votes,and his party,while retaining possession of the House of Representatives,captured the Senate as well.The popular verdict,however,indicated a state of confusion in the country.The combined Progressive and Republican vote exceeded that of the Democrats by 1,300,000.The Socialists,with Eugene V.Debs as their candidate again,polled about 900,000votes,more than double the number received four years before.Thus,as the result of an extraordinary upheaval the Republicans,after holding the office of President for sixteen years,passed out of power,and the government of the country was intrusted to the Democrats under the leadership of a man destined to be one of the outstanding figures of the modern age,Woodrow Wilson.


1.Compare the early career of Roosevelt with that of some other President.

2.Name the chief foreign and domestic questions of the RooseveltTaft administrations.

3.What international complications were involved in the Panama Canal problem?

4.Review the Monroe Doctrine.Discuss Roosevelt's applications of it.

5.What is the strategic importance of the Caribbean to the United States?

6.What is meant by the sea power?Trace the voyage of the fleet around the world and mention the significant imperial and commercial points touched.

7.What is meant by the question:"Does the Constitution follow the flag?"

8.Trace the history of selfgovernment in Porto Rico.In the Philippines.

9.What is Cuba's relation to the United States?

10.What was Roosevelt's theory of our Constitution?

11.Give Roosevelt's views on trusts,labor,taxation.

12.Outline the domestic phases of Roosevelt's administrations.

13.Account for the dissensions under Taft.

14.Trace the rise of the Progressive movement.

15.What was Roosevelt's progressive program?

16.Review Wilson's early career and explain the underlying theory of The New Freedom.

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