Till Little Arliss got into that bear fight,I supposeI’d thought of him in the way most boys thinkof their little brothers. I liked him all right,but Ididn’t have much time for him. He was always playingin our drinking - water and getting in the wayof my chopper and screaming his head off and throwingstones,and it seemed to me a lot to have toput up with.
But that day when I saw him in the spring,helpless against the bear,taught me to know that Iloved him as much as I did Mama and Papa,perhapsin some ways even a bit more.
And so it was that I came to love the dog thatsaved him.
After that,I couldn’t do enough for Old Yeller.
What if he was a big ugly meat - stealing dog?
What if he did fall over and yell blue murder everytime I gave him a cross look? What if he had run
从那以后,我总觉得对阿黄真是报答不尽。即使它是一头既大又丑的偷肉吃的狗,这又有什么关系呢? 每次我对它发火时,即使它往
off when he should have helped with the fightingbulls? He’d fought and saved Little Arliss when Icouldn’t have done it,and that was enough for me.
地上一躺,大声狂吠,这又怎么样呢? 即使在该帮我们对付那头打架的公牛时,它却逃之夭夭,这又怎么样呢? 只要看看在我无法搭救小阿里斯的时刻它却奋力搏斗,救了他的命,对我来说这就足够了。
I petted him till he was wagging all over toshow how happy he was. I felt mean about how I’dtreated him,and did everything I could to let himknow. I washed and greased his hair till it shone,and that night after dark,when he stole into bedwith me and Little Arliss,I let him sleep there andnever said a word about it to Mama.
I took him and Little Arliss squirrel - huntingnext day. It was the first time I’d ever taken LittleArliss on any kind of hunt. He was so noisy and sillythat I always thought he’d frighten off the game.
As it turned out,he was just as noisy and silly asI’d thought. He’d follow after us,keeping quiet as I’
d told him to,till he saw something like a pretty butterfly.
Then he’d give a loud yell and go chasing afterthe butterfly. He wouldn’t be able to catch it for himself,so then he’d yell at me to come and help him.
When I wouldn’t come,he’d yell still louder.
With so much noise going on,I knew we’dfrighten all the game right out of the country. Andwe did,all but the squirrels. They took to the treeswhere they would hide from us. But I saw whichtree one squirrel went up. So I put some of Arliss’snoise to good use.
I sent him in a circle round the tree,beating onthe grass and bushes with a stick,while I stoodwaiting. Soon the squirrel was watching Little Arlissand not noticing me. He kept going round the treeto keep it between him and Little Arliss. When hecame round my side I shot him out of the tree withthe first shot.
After that,Old Yeller caught on to what gamewe were after. He went to work trailing and treeingthe squirrels that Little Arliss was frightening. In notime I’d shot five,more than enough to make us agood squirrel fry for supper.
As it turned out,we did have more than enoughsquirrel fry for supper. Old Yeller didn”t seem towant any. He licked the meat and wagged his shorttail,but he wouldn’t eat more than a bite or two.
We were surprised,Mama and I,and when wethought back we remembered that he hadn’t eatenanything we’d given him for some days. Yet he was
fat and his hair was shiny as it he was a dog eatingthree big meals a day.
Mama said,“If I didn’t know be tte r ,I’d s a y tha tdog wa s e a ting e ggs.But I’m ge tting more e ggs tha nI ha ve a t a ny time s ince la s t a utumn ,so it c a n”t bee ggs tha t he”s s te a ling.”
Well,we didn”t think any more about whatOld Yeller was living on. Not,that is,till the dayBud Searcy looked in at the cabin to see how wewere getting on.
Bud Searcy was a red - faced man with a fatmiddle. He liked calling on the settlers. He wouldsit and talk about hard times and wait for somebodyto ask him to dinner.
巴德· 塞西是个挺着大肚子,脸膛红通通的人。他喜欢串门子,老爱坐在那儿,谈论着世道的艰难,等待别人请他吃饭。
I didn’t like him much,and my family didn’teither. Mama said the other men left him behindwith the women and children while they were drivingthe cows because if he went with them they’dnever get there. They would have had to spend somuch time calling on everybody and eating withthem.
But he did have a little white - haired granddaughterthat I sort of liked. She was eleven and notlike most girls. She would hang around and watchwhat boys did,like showing how high they could
climb in a tree or how far they could throw a stoneor how fast they could swim or how well they couldshoot.But she never wanted to boss things. She justwent along too and didn’t say much,and the onlything I had against her was her eyes. They were bigbrown eyes and very pretty to look at. But when shelooked at me she seemed to be seeing right throughme as if she saw everything I was thinking. That alwaysmade me jumpy,so if I didn’t have to I neverlooked straight at her.