
第62章 奋斗改变人生(12)


When Cao Cao heard that Sun Ce had died, he wanted to muster his forces and descend upon theSouthland. But the censor Zhang Hong dissuaded him, saying,“To attack when he land is in mourning isdishonorable. If you fail, you will have thrown away whatever amity still exists and created instead a profoundenmity. I would suggest you take the opportunity to treat the southerners handsomely.”Cao Cao took hisadvice and recommended to the Emperor that Sun Quan be appointed general and governor of Kuaiji. At thesame time Zhang Hong was made military commander of Kuaiji and given the seal of office to deliver to SunQuan. Sun Quan was elated to have Zhang Hong released from the capital, and instructed him to work closelywith Zhang Zhao in administering his kingdom. At this time Zhang Hong recommended another man to SunQuan, Gu Yong (Yuantan), a disciple of Court Counselor Cai Yong. Gu Yong was a man chary of speech, notgiven to drink, both severe and correct. Sun Quan employed him as a governor’s deputy and acting governor.

Throughout the Southland Sun Quan’s prestige was recognized, and the people became deeply devoted tohim.


“何事在心,寝食俱废?”权曰:“今曹操屯兵于江汉,有下江南之意。问诸文武,或欲降者,或欲战者。欲待战来,恐寡不敌众;欲待降来,又恐曹操不容:因此犹豫不决。”(第四十三回)“孔明用智激周瑜 孙权决计破曹操”(第四十四回);“三江口曹操折兵 群英会蒋干中计”(第四十五回);“用奇谋孔明借箭 献密计黄盖受刑”(第四十六回);“阚泽密献诈降书 庞统巧授连环计”(第四十七回);“宴长江曹操赋诗 锁战船北军用武”(第四十八回);“七星坛诸葛祭风 三江口周瑜纵火”(第四十九回);“诸葛亮智算花容 关云长义释曹操”(第五十回),孙、刘联合,大败曹操,这是我国古代战争史上另一个以少胜多、以弱胜强的光辉榜样,这也表现了孙权的雄才大略——联刘反曹,取得了赤壁之战的大胜。

Keeping is harder than winning.“Cao Cao leads a million-man host. He’s perched like a tiger on theGreat River and the Han.”(Chapter 42) Lady Wu, his mother, asked Sun Quan:“Why are you unable toeat and sleep?”“Cao Cao is camped on the river,”Sun Quan said to her,“intent on subduing our land. Ihave put the question to our civil and military advisers. Some would capitulate, some would wage war. If werisk battle, I fear our fewer numbers will not be able to stand against their greater. If we risk submission, Ifear Cao Cao will not accommodate us. I wave, therefore, unable to act resolutely.”(Chapter 43)“KongmingCunningly Moves Zhou Yu to Anger Sun Quan Decides on a Plan to Defeat Cao Cao”(Chapter 44);“CaoCao Suffers Casualties at Three Rivers Jiang Gan Springs a Trap at the Congregation of Heroes”(Chapter45);“Kongming Borrows Cao Cao’s Arrows Through a Ruse Huang Gai is Flogged Following a SecretPlan”(Chapter 46);“Kan Ze’s Secret Letters Offering a Sham Surrender Pang Tong’s Shrewd Plan forConnecting the Boats”(Chapter 47);“Feasting on the Great River, Cao Cao Sings an Ode Linking ItsBoats, the North Prepares for War”(Chapter 48);“On Seven Star Altar Kongming Supplicates the WindAt Three Rivers Zhou Yu Unleashes the Fire”(Chapter 49);“Kongming Foresees the Outcome at HuarongLord Guan Releases, and Obligates, Cao Cao”(Chapter 50). Sun Quan has joined forces with Liu Bei againstCao Cao and defeated Cao severely. This is another shining example of defeating a numerically superior andpowerful enemy with a small and weak force in the military history of ancient China. This also shows SunQuan’s great talent and bold vision—having joined forces with Liu Bei against Cao Cao at the Battle of theRed Cliffs and won the battle greatly.






After Cao Cao was severely defeated at the Battle of the Red Cliffs, Liu Bei and Sun Quan did theirutmost respectively to take cities and land from Cao’s army. Liu Xuande, overjoyed with the acquisition ofthe key cities of Jingzhou, Nanjun, and Xiangyang, began considering how they could be held permanently.

Lightly attended, Lu Su headed for Nanjun to reason with Liu Bei. Lu said,“Lord Sun Quan and his chiefcommander, Zhou Yu, have sent me to communicate their emphatic view to the imperial uncle. Jingzhou’snine imperial districts should now properly become part of the Southland. But the imperial uncle has used asubterfuge to seize and hold the area, handily reaping a benefit for which the Southland has vainly expendedits coin, grain, and men. I doubt that this is consonant with accepted principles.”“My friend,”Kongmingsaid,“on what grounds does a high-minded and enlightened scholar like yourself make such statements? Itis commonly agreed that‘things belong to their owners.’Jingzhou’s nine districts are not the Southland’sterritory”(Chapter 52).... Kongming said with a stern expression,“Don’t forget that in the battle at RedCliffs my lord bore the brunt of the fighting, and his commanders risked their lives in the field. Do you meanto tell us that the victory was due to the strength of the south alone? If I hadn’t been able to borrow the force ofthe southeast winds, what strategy would Zhou Yu have used?... How could you be so undiscerning?”Duringthis tirade Lu Su sat silent. At long last he commented,“There is some truth, I’m afraid, in what you say.

The thing is, it puts me in a most difficult position.”“If it’s a bit of face you’re afraid of losing,”Kongmingexplained,“I can have Lord Liu give it to you in writing that we are borrowing the province as our temporarybase, and that once Lord Liu has completed his arrangements for taking another, he will return Jingzhouto the Southland.”Xuande personally wrote out the document and affixed his seal. And Zhuge Kongmingaffixed his own, saying,“Since I am in the service of the imperial uncle, it hardly suffices for me to actas guarantor. May we trouble you, sir, to sign as well? I think it will look better when you see Lord Sunagain.”“I doubt,”replied Lu Su,“that a man of humanity and honor like the imperial uncle would betrayhis commitment.”With that, he added his seal and gathered up the document. The banquet ended, Lu Subade his hosts good-bye. Xuande and Kongming escorted him to the water’s edge. Kongming left him withthis parting admonition:“When you see Lord Sun, speak well of us—and do not get any strange ideas. Ifour document is not accepted, we’ll show a different face and your eighty-one townships will be lost. Bothsides need good relations or the traitor Cao will make fools of us all.”“Zhou Yu drafted his proposal andput Lu Su on a fast boat of Nanxu. There Su told Sun Quan the result of his mission to Jingzhou and showedhim the agreement with Xuande and Kongming, ...‘Chief Commander Zhou sends this proposal,’saidLu Su, handing him the letter,‘with which he says we can recover Jingzhou.’Sun Quan read it throughand nodded, secretly pleased, and began asking himself whom to send as the go-between. The name thatsprang to mind was Lü Fan. Sun Quan summoned Lü Fan and said to him,‘Recently we have had newsof the passing of Liu Xuande’s wife. I desire to invite him to marry into my family by taking my youngersister to wife. Bound thus in lasting kinship, we can join wholeheartedly in the struggle to defeat Cao Caoand uphold the house of Han. You are my choice for go-between. I count on you to present our case inJingzhou.’(Chapter 54)”From here we can see Sun Quan can make a correct assessment of the situationand know when to eat humble pie and when to hold his head high. He can consider the overall situation andpay much attention to the struggle of allying with Liu against Cao.


Sun Quan is good at uniting his subordinates and mediating contradictions among them so that they willgive their all to protect the Southland. For instance, Ling Tong, seeing Lü Meng praise the man who hadkilled his father, stared angrily at Gan Ning. Suddenly he took an attendant’s sword and, standing in the centerof the company, cried out,‘We lack for entertainment. Allow me to perform a sword dance.’Gan Ningknew exactly what Ling Tong wanted to do. He pushed over the table loaded with fruit and rose to his feet.

Clasping a halberd under each arm, he strode forward.‘Let me show the company how I handle these.’CanNing said.‘I have told both of you more than once to set aside your enmity.’Sun Quan said.‘How couldthis have happened?’Weeping, Ling Tong threw himself to the ground. Sun Quan reiterated his admonition.

(Chapter 67)”“Cao Xiu ducked behind Zhang Liao and shot Ling Tong’s horse, which reared and threwits rider. Yue Jin raced forward, spear poised for the kill, when an arrow struck him full in the face and hetoppled from his mount. Soldiers on both sides came out to rescue their generals. Gongs sounded, and combatceased. Ling Tong returned to camp and touched the ground in apology to Sun Quan.‘It was Gan Ningwhose arrow saved you.’Quan said, and Ling Tong pressed his forehead to the ground to show his respectto Gan Ning, saying,‘I never expected such kindness from you, sir.’From that time forward the two menbecame sworn friends and buried their grudge.”(Chapter68) For another instance,“Zhou Tai broke throughand found Sun Quan.‘Follow me out of here, my lord,’Tai said. By dint of hard fighting, Zhou Tai reachedthe shore but again lost Sun Quan. He turned back into the fray and again found his lord.‘We can’t getout.’Quan said.‘Shafts and bolts are flying everywhere.’‘This time,’Zhou Tai said,‘you go firstand I’ll follow.’Quan raced forward as Zhou Tai fended off attacks left and right. He took several woundsand an arrow had pierced his armor; but he brought Sun Quan out... Sun Quan grieved bitterly over the lossof Chen Wu and Dong Xi. He had the river searched, and Dong Xi’s body was found; it was buried togetherwith Chen Wu’s. Sun Quan then held a feast to thank Zhou Tai for his heroic rescues. Lifting the cup, SunQuan rested his arm on Zhou Tai’s shoulders and, face wet with tears, said,‘Twice you brought me to safety,each time risking your own life, suffering so many wounds that they have patterned your flesh. What else canI do but show you a kinsman’s kindness; what else but place in your hands a high command? You are mymost deserving vassal, with whom I shall share every glory and success.’(Chapter 68)”This is just why hissubordinates will risk their lives to serve him wholeheartedly.



When Cao Cao learned that Xuande had installed himself as king of Hanzhong, Cao Cao orderedMan Chong to visit Sun Quan as his representative.“Submitting Cao Cao’s letter, Man Chong said,‘TheSouthland and Wei have no quarrel; Liu Bei has been the cause of the hostilities between us. The king ofWei has sent me here to work out an agreement whereby you, General, will attack and take over Jingzhouwhile he brings his army up to Hanzhong so that we can attack Liu Bei on two fronts. Once he is destroyed,we can divide his territories, pledging to respect the boundary between.’... Zhuge Jin suggested,‘Thedaughter, still young, has not yet been promised in marriage. I would like to seek her hand for your heir. IfLord Guan consents, we can begin planning joint action against Cao Cao. Otherwise, we help Cao Cao takeJingzhou.’... Zhuge Jin presented himself before Lord Guan. After the ceremonies concluded, Jin said,“Icome for one particular purpose to bind the amity of our two houses. My master has a son, a youth of highintelligence. And, I understand, you have a daughter; it is her hand I come to seek. If our two houses formthis union and combine to destroy Cao Cao, it will be truly splendid. I beg you to consider it, my lord,’LordGuan’s answer came in a burst of anger:‘My tiger-lass married off to a mongrel? I’d have your head if youweren’t Kongming’s brother! Speak of it no more!’Lord Guan called for his aides, who drove Zhuge Jinscurrying off. Back in the Southland Zhuge Jin could not conceal what had happened. Hearing the report,Sun Quan exclaimed,‘What insolence!’(Chapter 73)”“In Mai, Lord Guan waited expectantly for relieffrom Shangyong. But no sign came. Only five or six hundred men remained to him, and most of those hadbeen wounded. A shortage of rations was causing severe suffering. Suddenly Zhuge Jin came and said,‘LordSun wanted to form an alliance with you, based on marriage, so that we could unite against Cao Cao anduphold the house of Han. We harbor no other ambition. Why must you cling to these misconceptions, mylord?’Before Zhuge Jin could finish, Guan Ping had pulled his sword and was making for the visitor. LordGuan stopped him.‘His younger brother Kongming is in the Riverlands serving as your uncle’s right-handman. If you kill him, you will offend his brother.’Lord Guan then ordered Zhuge Jin driven away. (Chapter76)”“As the day broke, Sun Quan was informed of the capture of Lord Guan and his son. Immenselypleased, he called his commanders together. After a short while Ma Zhong hustled Lord Guan into SunQuan’s tent. Sun Quan said,‘General, out of longstanding admiration for your splendid virtues, I soughtto work out a liaison through marriage. Why did you spurn the offer? You have ever clung to the view thatyou are without peer in the empire. How has it come about that you are my prisoner today? Do you, General,acknowledge yourself beaten?’Lord Guan damned him harshly:‘Green-eyed scamp! Red-whiskeredrodent! I gave my allegiance to Imperial Uncle Liu in the peach garden when we swore to uphold the house ofHan. What would I be doing in the ranks of traitors in revolt such as you? Now that I have blundered into yourtreacherous devices, death alone remains. There is no more to say.’(Chapter 77)”And so Lord Guan andhis son, Ping, were beheaded. And Sun Quan has also done his utmost to uphold the union of Sun and Liuhouses against Cao.



陛下乃汉朝皇叔,今汉帝已被曹丕篡夺,不思剿除;却为异姓之亲,而屈万乘之尊,是舍大义而就小义也。中原乃海内之地,两都皆大汉创业之方,陛下不取,而但争荆州,是弃重而取轻也。天下皆知陛下即位,必兴汉室,恢复山河;今陛下置魏不问,反欲伐吴:窃为陛下不取。’先主大怒曰:‘杀吾弟之仇,不共戴天!欲朕罢兵,除死方休!不看丞相之面,先斩汝首!今且放汝回去,说与孙权:洗颈就戮!’诸葛瑾见先主不听,只得自回江南。瑾见孙权,言先主不肯通和之意。权大惊曰:‘若如此,江南危矣!’阶下一人进曰:‘某有一计,可解此危。’视之,乃中大夫赵咨也。权曰:‘德度有何良策?’咨曰:‘主公可作一表,某愿为使,往见魏帝曹丕,陈说利害,使袭汉中,则蜀兵自危矣。’权曰:‘此计最善。’”(第八十二回)这就是为什么“孙权降魏受九锡”、“战罥亭先主得仇人 守江口书生拜大将”(第八十三回)、“陆逊营烧七百里”,大破蜀兵于罥亭彝陵之地(第八十四回)。这就是三国时期“三大战役”的彝陵之战,它确保了东吴的幸存并最终确立了三国的势力范围。

Liu Xuande assumed the imperial throne, and then seven hundred thousand seasoned troops under hispersonal command were marching toward the Southland (Chapter 81). Zhuge Jin arrived, and“said:‘Nowthat Lü Meng is dead, the quarrel between us ends. Moreover, Lady Sun thinks only of returning to herhusband. Lord Sun has sent me here, therefore, to communicate our desire to deliver Lady Sun and torepatriate those commanders of Lord Guan’s who surrendered to us. Finally, we desire to restore Jingzhouto you to seal our amity in perpetuity that we may strive to eliminate the traitor and usurper Cao Pi.’TheEmperor retorted hotly,‘You southerners murdered our brother. Don’t ply us with clever arguments!’ButZhuge Jin continued,‘Allow me to weigh the merits of the case. Your Majesty is an imperial uncle of theHan; the Han Emperor has been unlawfully deprived of his throne by Cao Pi. Yet instead of dedicatingyourself to eliminating the traitors, you compromise your imperial dignity for a kinsman by oath, not byblood, and thereby forsake a sacred obligation for a lesser one. The northern heartland is the core of therealm; Chang’an and Luoyang are the recognized capitals of Han. Your Majesty, forsaking the north to fightfor Jingzhou means forsaking what is important to pursue what is petty. The whole empire knows that byassuming the throne you could revive the Han and bring the mountains and rivers of this land within its ruleonce again. I venture to advise Your Majesty not to ignore Wei in order to wage war against Wu.’In a furythe Emperor said,‘That enemy who slew my brother will never share one sky with us. Nothing—save mydeath—will stop these troops. Were not the prime minister your brother, you would have already lost yourhead. However, you may return and tell Sun Quan to wash his neck: the executioner is coming.’Thus, theEmperor stood firm, and Zhuge Jin betook himself home to the Southland. Sun Quan received Zhuge Jin, whotold him that the Emperor had rejected reconciliation. Alarmed, Sun Quan said,‘In that case, the Southlandmay fall.’But below the platform a man stepped forth and said,‘I have a plan to avert the danger.’It wasZhao Zi, a ranking adviser at court.‘What plan?’Sun Quan asked.‘Let Your Lordship declare submissionto Cao Pi, Emperor of Wei. Delegate me to deliver the petition, and I will show him that his advantage lies inattacking Hanzhong. That wil exert pressure on the Riverlands army.’Sun Quan responded,‘An excellentplan.’(Chapter 82)”This is why“Sun Quan Submits to Wei, Receives the Nine Dignities”,“Fightingat Xiaoting, the Emperor Takes a Foe Defending the River, a Scholar Takes Command”(Chapter 83)and“Lu Xun Burns a Seven-Hundred-Li Line of Camps”, having decisively beaten the Riverlands troopsat Xiaoting and Yiling (Chapter 84). This is the Campaign of Yiling of the Three Campaigns during the ThreeKingdoms period. It has ensured the Southland’s survival and finally established the sphere of influence ofthe Three Kingdoms.



From the passages quoted above from the text we can see Sun Quan is not only the keeper but also thefounder of the Southland.“Sun Quan, king of the Southland, was holding court when a spy reported:‘PrimeMinister Zhuge of Shu has taken the field twice, inflicting heavy losses of fighters and captains on Cao Zhen’sWei army.’After this report the assembly of vassals urged the king to wage war against Wei for the purposeof taking the northern heartland. Sun Quan wavered, unable to come to a decision. Zhang Zhao addressedhim:‘I have heard recently that in the hills east of Wuchang a phoenix has displayed itself, and that in theGreat River a tawny dragon has been sighted several times. Your Lordship’s virtue matches that of Yao andShun, your wisdom matches that of kings Wen and Wu. Ascend the imperial seat first; then send forth thearmy.’Many officials echoed Zhang Zhao’s view. Thus they selected the third cyclical day of the fourthmonth for the enthronement and erected an altar in the southern suburb of Wuchang. On the appointed day,pursuant to the petition of the assembled officials, Sun Quan ascended the imperial seat. The reign year waschanged from Huang Wu 8 to Huang Long 1. (i.e. A.D. 229) Sun Quan’s father, Sun Jian, was posthumouslyhonored as Emperor Wu Lie, or Martial Glory; his mother, Lady Wu, as Empress Wu Lie; his brother, SunCe, as King Huan of Changsha. Sun Deng, Quan’s son, was designated crown prince, and Zhuge Ke, eldestson of Zhuge Jin, became his principal guide; Zhuge Xiu, younger son of Zhang Zhao, became the heirapparent’s first assistant. (Chapter 98)”“Sun Deng, however, had died in the fourth year of Chi Wu, andso the next son, Sun He, had become heir to the house. Sun He was the son of Lady Wang from Langye. Hehad bad relations with Princess Quan, however, and she spread evil rumors about him. The result was thatSun Quan removed Sun He as heir apparent; He subsequently died of vexation. The third son, Sun Liang,was then confirmed as their apparent. He was the son of Lady Pan. By this time Lu Xun, Zhuge Jin, and otherleading figures had passed away, and all matters of great and small were left to Zhuge Ke. In the autumn ofthe first year of Tai Yuan, on the first day of the eighth month, a great storm suddenly struck, blowing riversand lakes into great billows and flooding flatlands to a depth of eight spans. Pines and cypresses that had beenplanted at the Sun clan’s ancestral tombs were uprooted by the winds and blown to the south gate of Jianye onthe main road. Sun Quan fell ill from the shock. In the fourth month of the following year (i.e. A.D.252), hiscondition graver, he called Imperial Guardian Zhuge Ke and the Chief Commanding Officer, Lü Dai, to hisbedside and instructed them on the handing of the government in the future. When Sun Quan had finishedspeaking, he was no more. He had reigned for twenty-four years, reaching the age of seventy-one. (Chapter108)”


After Sun Quan’s death, Zhuge Ke instated Sun Liang as emperor. A general amnesty was proclaimed,and the reign year was changed to Jian Xing, year 1. Sun Quan was posthumously titled Great AugustEmperor and buried at Jiangling.”(Chapter 108)“The ruler of Wu, Sun Liang, sixteen years old, deploredthe extreme cruelty of Sun Chen.”...“But for all his cleverness, Sun Liang was under Sun Chen’scontrol and could not act on his own.”...“Sun Chen strode into the ruler’s quarters and denounced SunLiang:‘Immoral, ignorant leader. You should by rights be executed to satisfy the empire. But out of respectfor the late Emperor we will demote you to prince of Kuaiji and select someone virtuous to assume thethrone in your place.’...Sun Chen sent Sun Kai, the keeper of the Imperial Clan Registry, and Dong Chao,a courtier in the Secretariat, to the town of Hulin to welcome the new sovereign, Sun Xiu (Zilie), prince ofLangye. He was the sixth son of Sun Quan... The ruler of Wu, Sun Xiu, hastened from his throne to receiveSun Chen and invited Chen to sit beside him. After several rounds of wine... General of the Left Zhang Busaid harshly,‘I have an edict to arrest the traitor Sun Chen.’... Sun Xiu gave the order for execution. (Chapter113)”It is Sun Quan who has sown the seeds of misfortune.



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    杜书瀛兄嘱序于我,我先看目录,很大一部分竟是我没有读过的,于是把书稿看了一遍,有些学理性强的文章还没消化,或还似懂非懂,但我觉得应该来写这篇小序。 书序可以有种种写法,有些著名的序言体文字,是就所序这一本书的中心内容或某一论点加以补充,生发开去,甚或是借题发挥,本身就形成一篇论文,限于学力,这是我做不到的。而人们近年常常批评一些人之写序,说有的是“友情出场”,有的是为了“促销”,有的通篇不过是些“感想”……总之应该列为写序之大忌的,——我现在要写的正不出这个范围。
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