

"But what did Bartlett and Mr.Carwell quarrel about so seriously that Bartlett wouldn't tell?""It was about Morocco Kate.Harry learned that she had sold Mr.Carwell a set of books, and, knowing her reputation, he feared she might have compromised Mr.Carwell because of his sporting instincts.So Harry begged Viola's father to come out plainly and repudiate the book contract.But Mr.Carwell was stiff about it, and told Harry to mind his own business.That was all.Naturally, after Harry found that Morocco Kate really was mixed up in the case - though innocently enough - he didn't want to tell what the quarrel was about for fear of bringing out a scandal.As a matter of fact there never was any shadow of one.""And the mysterious notes to you about Viola having a poison book?" "All sent by Jean, of course, to throw suspicion on her.I heard itrumored, in more than one quarter, that Viola strongly disapproved of her father's sporty life, and it was said she had stated that she would rather see him dead than disgraced.Which was natural enough.I've said that myself many a time about friends.

"Jean found Miss Carwell's library card, and took out the poison bookin her name, afterward anonymously sending me word about it.I admit that, for a moment, I was staggered, but it was only for a moment.Here is what I found in his room."Colonel Ashley held out a piece of paper.There was no writing on it, but it bore the indentations, identical with one of the penciled, printed notes.

"He wrote it on a pad," said the colonel, "and tore off the top sheet.But he used a hard pencil, and the impression went through.Just one of the few mistakes he made.""Fine work on your part, Colonel."

"As for Captain Poland, the money transactions did look a bit queer, but we've since found the receipt and it's all right.A new clerk in Carwell's office had mislaid it.It wasn't Blossom's fault, either.He's a weak chap, but not morally bad.The worst thing he did was to fall for Morocco Kate.But better men than he have done the same thing.However, they won't again.""Why, she hasn't - "

"Oh, no; nothing as rash as that.She's going to take a new route, that's all.She's a natural born saleswoman, and I've gotten her a place with a big firm that owes me some favors.""And did Blossom come through 'clean' as he said he would?""He did, and he didn't.It seems that a year or so ago he inherited eleven thousand dollars.He invested half of the money in copper and made quite a little on the deal.Then, a short while before Carwell died, he got Blossom to lend him some money, which he was to pay back inside of a month or two.When Carwell's death occurred, Blossom was in financial difficulties on account of the demands of Morocco Kate.He could not get hold of the money he had invested, nor could he get hold of the money he had loaned Carwell.In his quandary he took certain securities belonging to Carwell and hypothecated them, expecting, later on, to make good as soon as he got some of his own money back.Of course the whole transaction was a rather shady one, and yet I still believe the young fellow wanted to be honest.""How does he stand now?"

"Oh, he has managed to get hold of some of his money, and with that got back the Carwell securities.And, of course, the Carwell estate will have to settle with him later on, and Viola and Miss Mary Carwell are going to keep him in his present position.

"He and Minnie Webb are to be married very soon - which reminds me that I have an invitation for you.""For me?"

"Yes.It's to the wedding of Viola and Harry Bartlett.The affair is going to be very quiet, so you can come without worrying about a dress- suit, which I know you hate as much as I do.""I should say so!"

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