

"And did Bartlett's uncle really mulct Mr.Carwell in that insurance deal?""Well, that's according to how you look at the ins and outs of modern high finance.It was a case of skin or be skinned, and I guess Harry's uncle skinned first and beat Mr.Carwell to it.It was six of one and a half dozen of the other.The deal would have been legitimate either way it swung, but it made Mr.Carwell sore for a time, and that, more than anything else, made him quarrel with Harry when Morocco Kate was mentioned."The letters in the secret drawer, which had so worried Viola, proved to be very simple, after all.They referred to a certain local committee, organized for an international financial deal which Mr.Carwell was endeavoring to swing with Captain Poland.The latter thought, because of his intimate association with Viola's father, that the latter might use his influence in the captain's love affair.But that was not to be.So Viola's worry was for naught in this respect.

And so the golf course mystery was cleared up, though even to the end, when he had paid the penalty for his crime, the chauffeur would not reveal the nature of the poison he had mixed with the dope which had made him a wreck.

Beside the still water, that ran in a deep eddy where the stream curved under the trees, Colonel Ashley sat fishing.Beside him on the grass a little boy, with black, curling hair, and deep, brown eyes, sat clicking aspare reel.Off to one side, in the shade, a colored man snored.

"Hey, Unk Bob!" lisped the little boy."Don't Shag make an awful funny noise?""He certainly does, Gerry!He certainly does!" "Just `ike a saw bitin' wood.""That's it, Gerry! I'll have to speak to Shag about it.But now, Gerry, my boy, you must keep still while Unk Bob catches a big fish.""Ess, I keep still.But you tell me a `tory after?" "Yes, I'll tell you a story.""Will you tell me how you was a fissin', an' a big white ball comed an', zipp! knocked ze fiss off your hook? Will you tell me dat fiss `tory?""Yes, Gerry, I'll tell you that if you'll be quiet now."And Shag's snores mingled with the gentle whisper of the water and the sighing of the wind in the willows.

And then, when the creel had been emptied and Colonel Robert Lee Ashley sat on the porch with Gerry Ashley Bartlett snugly curled in his lap and told the story of the golf ball and the fish, while Shag cleaned the fish fresh from the brook, two figures stood in the door of the house.

"Look, Harry!" softly said the woman's voice."Isn't that a picture?" "It is, indeed, my dear.Gerry adores the colonel.""No wonder.I do myself.Oh, by the way, Harry, I had a letter from Captain Poland today.""Did you? Where is he now?" asked Harry Bartlett, as his eyes turned lovingly from the figure of his little son in the colonel's lap to that of his wife beside him.

"In the Philippines.He says he thinks he'll settIe there.He was so pleased that we named the Boy after him.""Was he?" and then, as his wife went over to steal up behind her little son and clasp her hands over his eyes, the man, standing alone on the porch, murmured:

"Poor Gerry!" And it was of the lonely man in the Philippines he was speaking.

In the silent shadows Colonel Robert Lee Ashley fished again.This time he was alone, save for the omnipresent Shag.And as the latternetted a fish, and slipped it into the grass-lined creel, he spoke and said: "Mr.Young, he done ast me to-day when we gwine back t' de city.

He done say dere's a big case waitin' fo' you, Colonel, sah.When is we- all gwine back?""Never, Shag!" "Nevah, Colonel, sah?"

"No.I'm going to spend all the rest of my life fishing.I've resigned from the detective business!I'll never take another case Never!"And Shag chuckled silently as he closed the creel.

  • 异世之神说


  • 德隅斋画品


  • 小三杀手


  • 灵阵


  • 重生之绝代妖娆


  • 聪明孩子都在玩的数学游戏


  • 六月雪飘


  • 优秀中层要懂得的心理学法则


    许多人都可能当上中层领导,但并不是任何人都可以成为一个优秀的中层,那么,什么样的人才能成为优秀的中层领导呢?本人的气场,沟通、控制情绪 、管理员工的能力,以及团队建设是优秀中层要必须掌握的。想要把每项工作都做好,就应该学习相关的心理学知识,运用其中所包涵的智慧,加以实践。既要树立自己的权威,又要善于授权,并同时把责任下放,构建一支高效的团队。杨文忠所著的《优秀中层要懂得的心理学法则》从五个方面讲述了作为一名中层领导在处理不同问题时应该掌握的心理法则,通过阅读《优秀中层要懂得的心理学法则》,对提高中层领导的管理能力将大有帮助。
  • 凌云时


  • 重生现代做帝后

