

"Psha, man!" said the captain, "thy youth is in thy favor; thou wilt live only the longer to lead thy troops to victory.As for strength, bravery, and cunning, wert thou as old as Methuselah, thou couldst not be better provided than thou art now, at eighteen." What was the reply of Monsieur Cartouche? He answered, not by words, but by actions.Drawing his knife from his girdle, he instantly dug it into the captain's left side, as near his heart as possible; and then, seizing that imprudent commander, precipitated him violently into the waters of the Seine, to keep company with the gudgeons and river-gods.When he returned to the band, and recounted how the captain had basely attempted to assassinate him, and how he, on the contrary, had, by exertion of superior skill, overcome the captain, not one of the society believed a word of his history; but they elected him captain forthwith.I think his Excellency Don Rafael Maroto, the pacificator of Spain, is an amiable character, for whom history has not been written in vain.

Being arrived at this exalted position, there is no end of the feats which Cartouche performed; and his band reached to such a pitch of glory, that if there had been a hundred thousand, instead of a hundred of them, who knows but that a new and popular dynasty might not have been founded, and "Louis Dominic, premier Empereur des Francais," might have performed innumerable glorious actions, and fixed himself in the hearts of his people, just as other monarchs have done, a hundred years after Cartouche's death.

A story similar to the above, and equally moral, is that of Cartouche, who, in company with two other gentlemen, robbed the coche, or packet-boat, from Melun, where they took a good quantity of booty,--making the passengers lie down on the decks, and rifling them at leisure."This money will be but very little among three,"whispered Cartouche to his neighbor, as the three conquerors were making merry over their gains; "if you were but to pull the trigger of your pistol in the neighborhood of your comrade's ear, perhaps it might go off, and then there would be but two of us to share."Strangely enough, as Cartouche said, the pistol DID go off, and No.

3 perished."Give him another ball," said Cartouche; and another was fired into him.But no sooner had Cartouche's comrade discharged both his pistols, than Cartouche himself, seized with a furious indignation, drew his: "Learn, monster," cried he, "not to be so greedy of gold, and perish, the victim of thy disloyalty and avarice!" So Cartouche slew the second robber; and there is no man in Europe who can say that the latter did not merit well his punishment.

I could fill volumes, and not mere sheets of paper, with tales of the triumphs of Cartouche and his band; how he robbed the Countess of O----, going to Dijon, in her coach, and how the Countess fell in love with him, and was faithful to him ever after; how, when the lieutenant of police offered a reward of a hundred pistoles to any man who would bring Cartouche before him, a noble Marquess, in a coach and six, drove up to the hotel of the police; and the noble Marquess, desiring to see Monsieur de la Reynie, on matters of the highest moment, alone, the latter introduced him into his private cabinet; and how, when there, the Marquess drew from his pocket a long, curiously shaped dagger: "Look at this, Monsieur de la Reynie," said he; "this dagger is poisoned!""Is it possible?" said M.de la Reynie.

"A prick of it would do for any man," said the Marquess.

"You don't say so!" said M.de la Reynie.

"I do, though; and, what is more," says the Marquess, in a terrible voice, "if you do not instantly lay yourself flat on the ground, with your face towards it, and your hands crossed over your back, or if you make the slightest noise or cry, I will stick this poisoned dagger between your ribs, as sure as my name is Cartouche?"At the sound of this dreadful name, M.de la Reynie sunk incontinently down on his stomach, and submitted to be carefully gagged and corded; after which Monsieur Cartouche laid his hands upon all the money which was kept in the lieutenant's cabinet.

Alas! and alas! many a stout bailiff, and many an honest fellow of a spy, went, for that day, without his pay and his victuals.

There is a story that Cartouche once took the diligence to Lille, and found in it a certain Abbe Potter, who was full of indignation against this monster of a Cartouche, and said that when he went back to Paris, which he proposed to do in about a fortnight, he should give the lieutenant of police some information, which would infallibly lead to the scoundrel's capture.But poor Potter was disappointed in his designs; for, before he could fulfil them, he was made the victim of Cartouche's cruelty.

  • 唐诗鉴赏大辞典(上)


  • 福王登极实录


  • 太上洞玄灵宝法身制论


  • 仰节堂集


  • 胎产秘书


  • 平民王妃:皇叔请留步


  • “三江”水能开发与环境保护


    本书是中国西南民族研究学会和云南民族研究学会和云南民族大学于2004年9—12月(其间12月1—2日曾联合召开国际学术研讨会)组织的关于云南怒江、澜沧江、金沙江水能资源开发与环境保护调研的重要成果,共包括41篇按设计要求撰写的论文,其中有对云南三江水能资源开发与环境保护进行综合研究的7篇,对怒江水电开发与环境保护进行专项研究的22篇 ,对金沙江水电开发与环境保护进行研究的5篇,其他针对某一种观点进行评论的7篇。该成果对于云南社会经济的发展既具有重要的理论价值,也具有重大的现实意义。
  • 叶紫作品集


  • 五狱轮回


  • 致命的自负


    本书是哈耶克生前最后一部作品,也是他最重要和最具有代表性的著作之一。 这部著作不同于以往,在某种程度上,它实际上是“哈耶克对自己毕生所反对‘极权社会主义’的思想努力的总结”。
  • 豪门独宠:恋上二婚小娇妻


  • 重生之创业人生


  • 动凰之情却九天


  • 难忘的爱


  • 别闹,姐在种田

