

At dessert she heard, not without emotions of delight, certain sounds in the antechamber and salon which denoted the arrival of her usual guests.She called the attention of her uncle and Monsieur de Troisville to this prompt attendance as a proof of the affection that was felt for her; whereas it was really the result of the poignant curiosity which had seized upon the town.Impatient to show herself in all her glory, Mademoiselle Cormon told Jacquelin to serve coffee and liqueurs in the salon, where he presently set out, in view of the whole company, a magnificent liqueur-stand of Dresden china which saw the light only twice a year.This circumstance was taken note of by the company, standing ready to gossip over the merest trifle:--"The deuce!" muttered du Bousquier."Actually Madame Amphoux's liqueurs, which they only serve at the four church festivals!""Undoubtedly the marriage was arranged a year ago by letter," said the chief-justice du Ronceret."The postmaster tells me his office has received letters postmarked Odessa for more than a year."Madame Granson trembled.The Chevalier de Valois, though he had dined with the appetite of four men, turned pale even to the left section of his face.Feeling that he was about to betray himself, he said hastily,--"Don't you think it is very cold to-day? I am almost frozen.""The neighborhood of Russia, perhaps," said du Bousquier.

The chevalier looked at him as if to say, "Well played!"Mademoiselle Cormon appeared so radiant, so triumphant, that the company thought her handsome.This extraordinary brilliancy was not the effect of sentiment only.Since early morning her blood had been whirling tempestuously within her, and her nerves were agitated by the presentiment of some great crisis.It required all these circumstances combined to make her so unlike herself.With what joy did she now make her solemn presentation of the viscount to the chevalier, the chevalier to the viscount, and all Alencon to Monsieur de Troisville, and Monsieur de Troisville to all Alencon!

By an accident wholly explainable, the viscount and chevalier, aristocrats by nature, came instantly into unison; they recognized each other at once as men belonging to the same sphere.Accordingly, they began to converse together, standing before the fireplace.Acircle formed around them; and their conversation, though uttered in a low voice, was listened to in religious silence.To give the effect of this scene it is necessary to dramatize it, and to picture Mademoiselle Cormon occupied in pouring out the coffee of her imaginary suitor, with her back to the fireplace.

Monsieur de Valois."Monsieur le vicomte has come, I am told, to settle in Alencon?"Monsieur de Troisville."Yes, monsieur, I am looking for a house."[Mademoiselle Cormon, cup in hand, turns round.] "It must be a large house" [Mademoiselle Cormon offers him the cup] "to lodge my whole family." [The eyes of the old maid are troubled.]

Monsieur de Valois."Are you married?"

Monsieur de Troisville."Yes, for the last sixteen years, to a daughter of the Princess Scherbellof."Mademoiselle Cormon fainted; du Bousquier, who saw her stagger, sprang forward and received her in his arms; some one opened the door and allowed him to pass out with his enormous burden.The fiery republican, instructed by Josette, found strength to carry the old maid to her bedroom, where he laid her out on the bed.Josette, armed with scissors, cut the corset, which was terribly tight.Du Bousquier flung water on Mademoiselle Cormon's face and bosom, which, released from the corset, overflowed like the Loire in flood.The poor woman opened her eyes, saw du Bousquier, and gave a cry of modesty at the sight of him.Du Bousquier retired at once, leaving six women, at the head of whom was Madame Granson, radiant with joy, to take care of the invalid.

What had the Chevalier de Valois been about all this time? Faithful to his system, he had covered the retreat.

"That poor Mademoiselle Cormon," he said to Monsieur de Troisville, gazing at the assembly, whose laughter was repressed by his cool aristocratic glances, "her blood is horribly out of order; she wouldn't be bled before going to Prebaudet (her estate),--and see the result!""She came back this morning in the rain," said the Abbe de Sponde, "and she may have taken cold.It won't be anything; it is only a little upset she is subject to.""She told me yesterday she had not had one for three months, adding that she was afraid it would play her a trick at last," said the chevalier.

"Ha! so you are married?" said Jacquelin to himself as he looked at Monsieur de Troisville, who was quietly sipping his coffee.

The faithful servant espoused his mistress's disappointment; he divined it, and he promptly carried away the liqueurs of Madame Amphoux, which were offered to a bachelor, and not to the husband of a Russian woman.

All these details were noticed and laughed at.The Abbe de Sponde knew the object of Monsieur de Troisville's journey; but, absent-minded as usual, he forgot it, not supposing that his niece could have the slightest interest in Monsieur de Troisville's marriage.As for the viscount, preoccupied with the object of his journey, and, like many husbands, not eager to talk about his wife, he had had no occasion to say he was married; besides, he would naturally suppose that Mademoiselle Cormon knew it.

Du Bousquier reappeared, and was questioned furiously.One of the six women came down soon after, and announced that Mademoiselle Cormon was much better, and that the doctor had come.She intended to stay in bed, as it was necessary to bleed her.The salon was now full.

Mademoiselle Cormon's absence allowed the ladies present to discuss the tragi-comic scene--embellished, extended, historified, embroidered, wreathed, colored, and adorned--which had just taken place, and which, on the morrow, was destined to occupy all Alencon.

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